Chapter 11

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Harry Potter, Hogwarts (2nd Life)

When Harry woke up, Andri was being dangled by a spell from Draco's wand. "W-What is happening..? Why is my pet being dangled by my close friend...?" He asked quietly, sitting up a little. "Harry! This snake is dangerous! It was sitting on you!" Draco said, as Andri wriggled. Harry this is why I told you to tell them early! Harry chuckled. "He's my bonded. You can't kill him, Dray." Harry said softly, as he took Andri into his hands. "He's safe. The only thing he attacks is my food and mice." Harry muttered, as Andri hissed softly at Draco's direction. "Well it's not my fault, he is a Blood Serpent, and they are poisonous." Draco mumbled, smiling.

"I know I know. I'm sorry for not telling everyone." Harry apologised, as Andri slithered into the crook of his bed and slept. "It's alright. Now, when are you feting out? Ron's notes are atrocious and I hate having to rewrite everything from his Weasley language." Harry laughed softly, before sighing. "Well I don't really know, since I doubt Madam Pomfrey will let me out until she is sure I am perfectly fine." Draco sighed. "Does that mean more translating?" Harry grins. Draco sighed. "It's ok, since you are the only one that can translate Weasley language." Harry said reassuringly, making Draco scoff. "Yeah, that is true." Harry smiled.

- - - H P - - -

Harry sighed as he left the infirmary, thanking Madam Pomfrey for her help, before walking away to his dorm. He was carrying most of his candies and sweets, while his notes and other items were carried by Draco and Ron. "Thanks again for the help, you two." Harry said, smiling. "Anytime, Harry, honestly." Ron said smiling, before they arrived at the Gryffindor tower. "Password, boys?" Harry hummed. "Caput Draconis." The Lady nods, opening the door.

As Harry put away the rough notes into his trunk, he noticed Hagrid working on his farm and smiled. "We don't have classes after Charms, do we?" Draco nods. "Why, are you planning something?" Harry nods. "I want to visit someone. It's fine if you want to come." Harry said, as he packed some tea he had brought from Diagon Alley. "I'll pass, since I was planning to study at the library with Pansy and Blaise this afternoon." Draco said, smiling. "And I'm going to sleep, last night was a nightmare trying to remember most notes from Potions." Ron said, as he grabbed his Charms textbook. "And Professor Sprout was planning to show me her greenhouse." Neville said, as he studied his Aloe Vera.

"And you Tommy?" Tommy hummed. "Tubbo and Ranboo were going to the Kitchens to talk to the elves about his diet. And we were going to Professor McGonagall after since Ranboo wants to discuss the last class." Tommy said, as he looked up from his novel. "Seems like we're all busy, huh?" Harry muttered, smiling. As they left for Charms, Hermione sighed. "What's wrong, little bird?" Harry hummed, as he walked slowly to beside her. "It's just... everyone has plans and my roommate aren't really the 'going somewhere' type. I've already studied everything for this year and I'm bored." Harry smiled.

"Well I'll have you know that I was planning on going to Hagrid's after Charms so... wanna come with?" Harry asked, as Hermione brightened. "Really? You won't think I'm annoying?" Harry laughed. "Mione, you are my friend. Plus I've been around even more annoying people so you are the least of my worries." Hermione smiled. "Then I would gladly come with you. Is Hagrid nice?" Harry chuckled. "This is my first time going to his house, but he seems nice, don't you think? Like an approachable teddy bear." Hermione smiled.

"I can see the resemblance." She said, as they entered the class. "Ah, welcome class! Come come, sit. And it seems like Mr. Potter will join us today!" Professor Flitwick said, smiling. "I'm glad to finally be here, Professor." Harry bowed slightly. "I'm happy to have you in class." Harry nods, smiling.

When Harry appeared in front of Hagrid's house, he was overjoyed. And now both Harry and Hermione was sitting in front of the fireplace, a warm cookie in their hands while Hagrid was excitedly brewing the tea leaves Harry had gifted him. "I thought you wouldn't know who I am, Harry. I knew your parents, they were good people." Harry smiled. "I'm glad to know that Hagrid. Now, what do you do here, as Gatekeeper?" Harry asked one question, and Hagrid flowed with stories and explanations about Hogwarts.

He also slipped about some secret passageways and what was behind the door on the third floor, but Hermione didn't catch it as quickly as Harry had. Harry cleared his throat, before he was jumped by Fang. "Ah, down! Down boy!" Hagrid said hurriedly, before Harry laughed. "It's ok, Hagrid." Harry said, as he petted the dog softly.

When they left the house, it was dusk, and Hermione was shivering. Harry, noticing this, casted a warming spell on Hermione and his cloaks. "There you go." Hermione smiled. "Thank you Harry." Harry smiled. "You're like a sister to me. Of course." Hermione laughed softly. "Yes yes."

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