Chapter 1

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Harry Potter, Ministry Of Magic.

Harry groaned, as he was shoved onto his knees by a guard, before he was forced to look up at the man he once admired. The man smirked, making Harry look away from his demeaning eyes and stared at the judge. "Do you want to testify against the claims on your behaviour these past few days, Mr. Potter?" Harry tried to open his mouth, ready to testify for his actions, but no sound came out of his mouth. He could only cough.

'Ah. This is what they wanted.' Harry thought quietly, as he watched Dumbledore and Umbridge sneer at him. He shook his head, making the judge nod.


Harry glared at the guard, before the portal disappeared and he was left alone. He sighed, before sitting on the worn bed, feeling drained as multiple Dementors fly past his cell. There was barely any happy memories anymore in his head so he rolled his eyes and turned to the barred windows.

He wished he could go back. At least to when he was thrown in front of his aunt's door. He sighed, before he began seeing black spots in his vision. Ah. Goodbye.

Harry? He jumped at the deep voice, turning around frantically to find its source. I'm over here, cub. I'm here. He was met with Remus, smiling softly at him as he stretched out a hand. You've been through hell, huh? He said softly, as Harry took his hand with a small smile. I have. It's so unfair, that I lost you all just for me to become a prisoner at Azkaban. He muttered, as he stared at Remus' eyes. His eyes are glowing with life... He thought quietly, as Remus smiled. I like how your limbo is the King's Cross Station. It's nostalgic. Harry hummed softly, looking at the empty tracks.

Do you want to go back, Har? To begin again? Remus asked suddenly, as Harry turned to him slowly. Wait. H-How? You can do that? Harry asked curiously, as Remus chuckled. Well, yes. Technically this is because you are very powerful. Plus, like you said, it's unfair. Harry pondered it for a moment. Will I even remember everything that happened here? Harry asked. Remus smiled. Of course you will. How will you 'enact' revenge then? Harry laughed softly as Remus exaggerated the enact part.

Right. Revenge. Should I choose Slytherin this time? Harry asked quietly. Remus hummed softly. I don't know, Harry. It'll all play out how you want it to. As he said that, Harry could see the station crumbling away, and Remus waved goodbye. Good luck, Harry. And have fun. Harry nodded, before a bright flash of white blinded his vision.

When he awoke, the first thing he sees a ceiling. More specifically the closet ceiling. Harry sat up, before touching his face and checking out his body and face. Judging from the size of my hands, I must be around 9 years old or so... Harry smiled softly to himself, before he heard his uncle start leaving for work. In the past, the abuse didn't start until he was 10 since they realised he could be of use to them, then.

I should probably leave as soon as possible. Then I would be safer and ready to face the fire. Harry thought quietly, as he started to pack up his items, which wasn't much but still, for a 9 year old, he struggled a little. He huddled his items close, before immediately running from his closet out to the door, running away from the soon to be abusive household. He ran, clutching the blanket his mother had wrapped him with, straight to the neighbourhood bus station. Luckily he already had collected some of the loose coins that scattered around the house.

"Leadenhall Market, please." The bus driver glanced down at him, before rolling his eyes. "Fine. £2." Harry fished out four 50 pence coins, to which the driver took with a nod, before he went and sat down near the back.

As the bus passed through Berkshire, Harry thought of a plan. Once I get to Leadenhall Market, I should go to Diagon Alley and find the inn that I stayed in during my third year at Hogwarts. From there, I can keep using the money that Father and Mother left, and if it runs out, I could work for Florean Fortescue, or even the inn itself. Harry thought quietly, forgetting that his parent were once Aurors before they were killed and had enough money to spare seven or so generations.

- - - -

"Leadenhall Market!" Harry quickly hopped off the bus, thanking the bus driver hurriedly as he ran to the secret door. He softly tapped the bricks in the pattern Hagrid had once did, before smiling softly as it revealed the alleyway. He had wrapped the blanket around his body like a cloak, making sure the 'hood' protects his face, before hurriedly walking to the direction of Gringotts Bank.

"Oh? And who might you be, tiny one?" The goblin at the counter asked, looking down at him. "Harry Potter." Harry said softly, looking around to make sure no one heard him. Luckily, it was a weekday, so not a lot of wizards were in the bank. "And why should I believe you? Where is your proof?" Harry hummed.

"We can do a blood test if you want to." The goblin looked at him closely, before nodding. "One blood test coming up. Please follow me." Harry nods, before following the goblin into one of the hallways.

:D yes yes hello! This is a new series and I will try my best (no promises though) on updating everything as swift as possible. I hope it is to your liking.

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