Chapter 13

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Harry Potter, Hogwarts (2nd Life)

Harry smiled as he floated the feather, playing with it as Hermione helped Draco and Ron focus on the spell. As Harry played with his feather, he felt another shot of pain, but covered his pained expression with the feather as it fell on his face. Could you not shoot a painful feeling into my scar? Harry thought, as he heard a chuckle from Voldemort's side. Forgive me Potter, but it's not my fault a part of my soul attached itself to you. Harry sighed. Yeah yeah. Why did you have to get yourself killed in my house is beyond me.

Harry hummed, before the school bell rang. As the class filtered out, Ron laced his arm around Harry's neck. "Have you heard?" Harry hummed, tilting his head. "Heard what, Ronald?" Draco sighs. "He's talking about the Halloween feast tomorrow night. He's excited for it." Harry chuckled. "Of course I've heard of it, Ron." Ron hummed. "Not my fault. You've been busy lately, even if we have had no classes." Harry sighed. "I'm sorry guys. If you want I can join tonight's study group." Harry offered, smiling. "Really? Because I need someone to help me with Transfiguration and Charms." Ron hummed, smiling. Harry nods, before they all go to the Great Hall for Lunch.

As Harry was enjoying a BLT sandwich along with a glass of iced tea, he was approached by Pansy's group, Ranboo, Tubbo and Blaise. "So I heard you were having a study group?" Harry nods, smiling softly. "Can we join too, please?" Harry glanced at his friends, who nodded, making him smile. "Of course." They all cheered, before Harry sighed. "Come on, sit here with us. We can discuss what we like to study with each person." Harry offered, making everyone smile as they sat down.

- - - H P - - -

Harry sang the School anthem with a smile, before they were all gestured to sit down by Dumbledore. Is he still talking? I want to eat. Harry laughed softly at Andri's annoyed muttering, before the banquet appeared. They all cheered as they dug in, Harry even enjoying a plate of Roast Chicken and some gravy. As they were enjoying the feast, Professor Quirell barged into the Hall. "Troll! In the dungeons! Help!" Harry drank down the rest of his juice, before smiling. "Thought you'd ought to know..." Harry stifled his laughter with a napkin, before he stood up along the fearful students.

"ENOUGH! Prefects, please, kindly escort your first years to your houses! Teachers, with me! And someone please take Professor Quirell to the infirmary!" Dumbledore said urgently, before they all vanished to the dungeons. As Harry followed Percy to the Gryffindor tower, Harry noticed Professor Snape hurriedly heading off to where Fluffy was staying. Harry smirked as he could smell the troll, before going into the other hallway. "H-Harry! Where are you going?!" Draco asked, as his friends stopped, following him closely.

"I'm going to kill the troll, obviously." Harry hummed, as he held his wand tightly. "I know we're Gryffindors but this is too much!" Neville said worriedly, holding onto his wand tightly. Harry smiled. "Trust me, there's 6 of us and one of them so let's go." They all sighed before following the scarred boy. As Harry followed the smell, ignoring now most of his friends were complaining about the smell, before smiling as he saw the troll curiously enter one of the rooms.

"Did it just enter the girl's room." Hermione said, shocked, as Neville and Draco turned red. "Oh you prunes. Come on." Harry chuckled, as he followed the troll. "Harry!" His friends called after him fearfully, before groaning as he entered the toilet. Harry hummed in satisfaction when he noticed his friends followed, before dodging the troll's cub. "Harry! Be careful!" Harry smiled. "Yes yes." Harry muttered, as he shot Petrificus at the troll.

The troll growled, before Draco shot a Bombarda at its head. "Careful! That club can destroy a few bones in an instant!" Hermione shouts, as she shot a Petrificus at its hand. Harry hummed, before casting Wingardium Leviosa on the club and throwing it aside. "There." Harry hummed, before shooting a Bombarda at its head. Harry smiled as it fell over, as Neville and Tommy casted a healing spell for them, in case. "Let's not do this again, shall we Harry?" Neville asks, as he sighs.

They were about to get out of the toilet when the door slammed open and Professor McGonagall, Snape, Quirell and Sprout were panting as they stared at the blacked out body of the troll and the six children, before they sighed. "Could someone explain this situation?" Harry shrugged. "I was bored." Professor McGonagall sighed. "10 points from Gryffindor for this... disrespect towards the Headmaster orders. And 5 points to Gryffindor for defeating a Troll at the age of 11." Professor McGonagall sighed, before they all gestured for them to get moving.

Harry smiled as the rest of them sighed. "You are dangerous, Harry. So dangerous." Harry laughed. "It's called having fun!" The rest of them grinned. "Can't say no to that." Tommy said, as the rest agreed.

When they returned to the dorms and had settled in their beds. Harry stares at the sky. He stares at the twinkling stars, and smiles as he spots the Dog Star, also known as Sirius. "Ah." He muttered, looking around Ron's bed for a certain rat. Where is he? He thought quietly, before spotting the rat sleeping at the corner of the boy's bed.

Harry wasted no time, casting a petrificus on the rat before he grabbed him. "Hello Uncle Peter. Hope you rot in Azkaban." Harry said, smiling, before caging him in a well, magic enforced cage. "Say hi to Uncle Sirius for me, please." He hummed, before apparating the cage to the Ministry, along with a note explaining what he is.  Harry sighed happily as he shuffled into his bed, getting some sleep.

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