"Yes, Operation: Darena going very smooth." Rose stated and I nodded with an actual smile on my face. I may not know what I want, but it feels good to help the people I love.

"Now that they're actually talking again, we just need to figure out a way to get them both to Nate's party tonight. Once they see each other in their old uniforms, how could all those old feelings not come flooding back?"

"It's true. You never forget first love. I remember mine. Kazimierz. Once, he took me out into sugar beet field-" My phone started ringing.

"Thank God." I stated, picking up the phone to see a party change. "Nate's party has been moved to the Empire." I felt my body tense up. What if Chuck wants answers from me? I don't have any answers. I'm not ready to see him. But I just have to get Serena there.


My hair and makeup were done for the party, but I was wrapped in my robe laying my red dress on the bed. I looked over to see Serena walk into my bedroom. "Hey! How was your lunch with the vestal virgin? Helpful and informative or ghost of V-Day future?" I asked and Serena crossed her arms.

"You can stop. I know that you canceled my interview and set me up with Dan."

Crap. I sighed. "It was an act of goodwill. Just because I can't have love in my own life doesn't mean I shouldn't bring it to the people who I care about most."

"But Dan doesn't have feelings for me, and--and there's nothing that will change that, not some champagne or dazzling dessert."

"Not even two fake old people in love?"

Serena looked at me shocked. "They weren't real?"

"Actor's equity. But you're wrong. Do you know what Dan said to me this morning? Same thing you did. His last good Valentine's Day was in high school with you. I'm telling you, there's still a glimmer of hope there."

"That's never gonna happen, but thank you for trying."

Serena turned to walk away. "Wait, wait, wait." She stopped, looking back at me. "Why don't you come with me to my dad's company party.?"

Serena lightly shook her head. "Thank you, but I think I'll just stay home, eat lots of gelato, and write about how true love is nothing but a myth." Serena walked out of the room and I sighed.

It wasn't long before Dan showed up, I'm sure to give me a piece of his mind too. "I know. You're mad at me for trying to set you up with Serena." I stated, taking one last look in the mirror.

"Actually, not really." Dan said and I quickly looked over at him. "We kinda had a nice time today, which got me to thinking that there may be hope for us yet."

"I knew it!" I cheered. "I knew there was still something between you. Now go ask her to Nate's party. Guitar Hero in one suite, a Sushi bar in the other. Ah, a girl gets beaned with a Nairtini or someone uses a secret key to sneak into the pool. It's just like old times."

"That sounds romantic, but I was thinking it might be better to explore whatever future we might have without the--the pressure of a real date, you know?"

I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you did such a good job playing Cupid at lunch that I thought you could do it again, so why don't you come with us?"

"I would love to help, but I've got a party to attend for my father. I can't miss it. Plus, it's at Chuck's. I'm kind of avoid him right now."

"Nate said he's probably not even gonna be there tonight. Plus, without you, there is no way that Serena is going to go."

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