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You came to see Taehyung. The professors were in mess. They were talking about the situation among themselves. You knew that they were not going to do anything to that Jihyuk shit. Your blood boiled just by hearing his name. You thought he stopped harassing Taehyung. But today Jihyuk crossed the line. How could someone be such a jerk like him ? What was his problem anyway ? Why does he keep bothering Taehyung ? What's the reason ?

Jihyuk was getting away by this because his parents were donors. Fuck him. You were going to beat that Jihyuk. You didn't want to do this but you really wanted to do all those things to Jihyuk that he did to Taehyung. You sighed , trying to calm yourself down. You didn't want to step so low like Jihyuk. You had to find out the reason behind Jihyuk's hatred toward Taehyung.

" Chunyoung, did professor inform Taehyung's parents ?" You asked your friend. He shaked his head no. You stopped your pace and face him. " Why is that ? Taehyung is in this condition. That old man don't have any concern about his student ? Fuvking university. " You cussed at the university's favouritism. You thought this university was good one but You were wrong.

" No no ! That's not the case , Y/N. Taehyung asked professor not to inform his parents " Chunyoung said. He wasn't also happy with Taehyung's decision. " Professor kept on asking Taehyung but Taehyung refused let his parents know about his condition " Chunyoung looked down at his hands. He was helpless. Taehyung being stubborn for no reason.

" What is that idiot thinking! Where's that bustard ?!" You asked Chunyoung. Chunyoung pointed out the room Taehyung was. You walked passed by him. You opened the door with a bang. It was a V.I.P ward. Did that jerk think that it will be over if he pays for Taehyung's hospital bill ? Jerk. You saw Taehyung looking at you wide eyes. His advisor was standing beside his bed. Taehyung gave you his boxy smile. " Y/N, you are here ?"

You stomped towards him. You were angry at him. Why did he let that Jihyuk jerk hit him ? " Taehyung... YOU IDIOT '' Taehyung was smiling at you as if he wasn't feeling any pain. Your heart aches seeing his swollen face. How could they hit such a beautiful human ? Your fist clenched in anger.

" Professor, can you give us some alone time to talk ? " You requested the professor. Professor nodded and left, taking Chunyoung away with him. Professor Gong was a young professor. On top of that, he adored Taehyung. He was only few years older than you two. You glared at Taehyung.

He avoided his eyes. " You know you are looking like an idiot avoiding my eyes. " You said. Taehyung was still ignoring you. " Really ? I thought I was genius in this university" Taehyung replied you playfully.

You cupped Taehyung's face and forced him to face you. You had enough of his guilty feeling. It wasn't his fault anyway. " Why didn't you kick that jerk's ass ? You could've called me when you were cornered alone " Taehyung looked at your eyes. Taehyung was glad to have you. At least , someone was caring for him other than his family. Taehyung smiled.

You wanted to squeeze his face but didn't. He might get hurt. You let go of his cheeks but Taehyung grabbed your hand. Taehyung leaned on your palm. " It's so warm , Y/N. " Taehyung said, closing his eyes. Your face flushed. This bitch! Playing with my heart even without knowing how heart is going crazy! Taehyung's eyes lashes were longer than yours and it was beautiful. You wonder how beautiful this human could be ? From inside and out ? Perfect human.

Taehyung let go of your hands. " Next time I will call you. " Taehyung told you. But you weren't convinced. Taehyung was that kind of person who would keep all his things to himself. " Umm Y/N ..." Taehyung went fidgety. You didn't know why he was acting like that.

" Did Jinah.....visit me ?" Taehyung asked you. His eyes were glittering in hope. He was hoping that Jinah Bae would visit him ? The one who didn't even give any attention to him ? The one who always disliked him ? Your mood went bitter. You bid your lower lip in frustration. You looked down at your lap. You were irritated hearing the name. Was he not happy to see you ?

"Y/N ?" It wasn't the time for your own feelings to take over you. You pushed away your feelings and smiled for him. " She didn't , Taehyung " You answered. Taehyung's smile faded. He looked sad. Why do you like her so much, Taehyung ? " She will visit you soon. Don't worry. Rest well " You quickly got up from your seat. Your feelings were taking over you. Jealousy and sadness. Both of those emotions were strong now because of Taehyung.

" See you later , Tae!' You rushed out of his room. Taehyung looked at form going away from him in rush. He didn't understand if he had said something wrong. Chunyoung came into the room after your departure. " Taehyung, why Y/N was in rush ? She didn't even answer me " Chunyoung walked to go closer to Taehyung.

Then he sat on the stool you were sitting a while ago. "...I don't know. Y/N just left "  Both of them sat there in silence. After a second, the one Taehyung waiting for came with her dramatic expression. " Taehyung! " Jinah acted as if she was worried for Taehyung. Chunyoung watched Jinah from his seat. She sat on the bed beside Taehyung, holding his hands.

Taehyung was over the moon that Jinah visited him. " I am okay, Jinah. I am so happy that you are visiting me " Taehyung thanked her. Taehyung was sincerely happy. He was happy seeing you but Jinah made him really really happy. More than you. " Of course! Taehyung. It's good to visit someone who continuously helps me in my problems " Jinah said.

Taehyung didn't notice what she meant. He was lost in his moment of happiness. Chunyoung watched how Jinah interact with Taehyung. Jinah was someone he disliked from the first time.

You rushed into the washroom. A cubicle was vacant so you went there. Sat on the toilet for some time. You had to get your thoughts together. You couldn't take your emotions together. Taehyung wasn't your boyfriend from the first anyway. You had no right to get jealous. You should be happy for him.

You had to give up your feelings for Taehyung or else you would be in pain every aspect. You had to find your own happiness like you did. You would enjoy every moment from today. You would not let those feelings come in your way. You slapped yourself to get your consciousness back. You couldn't get blinded by these emotions.

You got out from the cubicle and washed your hands. Rinsing your face. You looked at yourself. " From today " You mumbled. At first you had to find that Jihyuk.

Your gut was telling you to meet him today. You didn't want that Jihyuk to harassed Taehyung anymore. You got out from the washroom. Walked pass by many people. But your poor luck, you saw someone you didn't wish to meet. Your most unwanted person. Your eyes met. Both of you stared at each other. Everything stopped. Old memories were coming back. You felt nauseous. Your body was trembling. Your breathing was getting racked.

" Y/N!" He came towards you. You raised your hand to stop him.

" S-stay from me.. Please " You ran away from him. He stared at you.


CHUBBY // KTH FF// Season 1✔️Where stories live. Discover now