An Endless Beauty (Evil Leafy X Yang)

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Request by PxnkyPrxmiseOfficial

Yang's Pov:Yin were against annoying so i decided to drink the Potion, that Test Tube made “Finally, i can go where i want without you tell me what to do!” i yelled at Yin he looked at me pretty surprised and i went into the Evil Forest without any warnings of the others, with a time i got tired of running and Sit at a Tree but i heard a crying I've stand right up again and ran to the person who cried. It was Evil Leafy i got a bit nervous but “A-are you okay?” i asked her “I'm not okay!” said Evil Leafy to me as i seen Her Leg got into a Thorns Bush, I decided to grab for glass sharp and cut the Thorns off Evil Leafy's Leg even my hand started to blood i helped Evil Leafy at first.

Evil Leafy's Pov:i was surprised and Asked Yang:“Are you even okay!?” i got worried as i seen his hand blooding “i am alright” said Yang“ You don't have to be worried.” i lightly sighed and Blushed “YANG!?” i heard a voice Yang yelled “YIN WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE!?” then Leafy responded:“WE WANT TO CHECK ON YOU-” as they got near they even wet surprised that Yang were with me Leafy noticed we both had a crush on each other so she pushed us.

Leafy's Pov:what can i do? They would be a cute couple! “LEAFY!!” Yelled Yang and Evil Leafy, Yin giggled and we decided to go out of here Four and Mephone4 noticed Evil Leafy and Yang were holding hands “Yang i didn't knew you were Taken.” said Paintbrush, David laughed so hard “Well yeah.” said Yang nervously as Evil Leafy kissed him in front of everyone. Yin took a picture of it. What a cute couple!

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