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Jade_bruh : Mum, I have netball practice again today. Pick me up at 3p.m. :)

SelenaSullivan : Sure, honey. Practice got intensified, yeah?

Jade_bruh : Oh, you know how my coach is. So determined to maintain the school team's prestige.

SelenaSullivan : It's good, actually, honey. Just don't overdo it. You don't wanna get hurt.

Jade_bruh : Thank you, Mum :')

PaulxX : ugh im trying 2 get my graffiti done in peace.if only noticifications arent bugging me every single second

SelenaSullivan : Oh, sorry honey. Go on and make me proud.

SelenaSullivan : Wait. Are you spray-painting on your bedroom wall?!!!!!?!!

Jade_bruh : All the best, bro. I hope you are still alive by the time I come home :)

Her Life In Chats #1 : A Step to Love [Wattys 2015]Where stories live. Discover now