"I'm coming with you guys too" she said while joining us

Just as we are about to exit, Nayeon rose from her seat "Wait up" she jogged towards us "I just don't want to be alone together with miss 'stone cold' over there" she referred to Tzuyu who is left sitting alone at the back.

That take me aback "Jeez Nay, don't be like that. We are not students, not anymore. You should leave behind everything you have against her and grow up." I said to her and she went silent until Momo cleared her throat.

"Can we go now? I feel like bursting in my pants" Momo pleaded and I opened the door as quietly as possible until we exited the bus one by one.

The dead cold air greeted us making goosebumps present on our bodies.

"I'm just gonna go behind the bus" Momo hurriedly left to the back, leaving the 3 of us at the door of the bus.

"Do you guys think we can get through this shit together alive?" Sana suddenly ask out of nowhere surprising both Nayeon and I.

After some thought, I let out a breath, making a steam of smoke appear "Well, if you think about it, we have been through some tough shits together, and look at us, still alive and well" I said earning a nod from the both of them.

"But still, this isn't a movie where the lead characters will survive through the end, right?" Sana was a bit skeptical

"I agree, this is real life after all. Anything unexpected could happen" Nayeon seconded, earning a nod from me and Sana.

"Instead of our fate being written as either dead or alive, we should write it on our own, and that's why we always have to be more careful and always have each others back... because we're a family." I said firmly with honesty

Nayeon chuckled "Now you sound like Dominic Toretto" we laughed a bit.

A few seconds has passed until it went silent again.

"Where's Momo? Is she done yet?" Sana asked

"Wait, I'll go check" Nayeon said as I handed her my spare flashlight.

"You think Y/n is doing fine right now?" Sana ask me

"Huh? Why did you ask? Knowing Y/n, I'm sure he's doing fin-"

"Guys?!" We snapped our heads to Nayeon "Momo's gone"

Jeongyeon's POV:

Miggy was sent flying backwards as he was flicked by Carnage's big arms, landing on the car's windshield.

"Oh shit, com'on Pumba, get your ass up" I hurriedly went to assist him off before the creature smash the car into pieces.

"Don't call me that" he groaned in annoyance.

Dahyun was busting her mag out as she fires continously at the monstrous zed's face.

Mina jumped onto the smashed car's roof while clutching Y/n's axe firmly. With perfect timing, she leaped onto the Carnage's back and impale the axe's sharp blade onto it.

The walking sausage let out an ear piercing shriek, definitely in a lot of pain. It tried shaking Mina off of it but it was perfectly attached to the center, making it unreachable. Mina was riding the thing like a bull.

I safely put Miggy into another abandoned car beside the road for cover.

He groaned in pain.

His right forearm was bleeding, a medium shard of glass pierced through his skin.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2021 ⏰

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