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the next day was a complete blur of doctors and nurses. i couldn't pin point any specific moment or any specific face. i just know that rafe had gone home, and i had gone through surgery, which now caused my head to be wrapped up and a part of the under part of my head was shaved now. my mom brought a brush and tried to cover it after i, according to her and my dad, started freaking out about it and almost sent myself into a panic attack.

it was dark now, outside and in my new hospital room. my dad had gone home this time to deal with the twins while my mom stayed with me. she had a magazine open on her lap, but i knew it was too dark for her to read it. she was watching me instead, as i slowly let my eyes blink. we'd been quiet since my dad had left over an hour ago. the nurse had come in once or twice, just to check in and see if i was hungry or thirsty, but i wasn't.

my entire body felt numb and i wasn't sure if it was because of all the medication or if it was just because i disassociated from the pain. i heard the door handle squeak again as i shut my eyes, letting the door open and shut before i let them open again. i saw doctor stewart this time.

"hi honey, how are you feeling?" she asked softly, pulling her stethoscope off her neck. she moved over as i blink.

"i don't know." i mumbled.

"that's okay," she nodded, putting the ends in her ears and holding it to my chest. i breathed in and out, slowly like i had been since the surgery. "do you need to use the bathroom?"

"no," i replied as she nodded. she dropped the stethoscope around her neck again before turning my arm over, pressing her fingers hard against my wrist.

"she hasn't eaten anything today, or had anything to drink." my mom told her. "is that normal?"

"unfortunately, it is very common in her case. we cannot force her to eat, it may cause more nausea but we are going to try and get some water in her." she replied and walked over to the counter, grabbing a water bottle. she came over, opening it and lifting it to my mouth.

"no," i groaned and moved my face away. "i'm not thirsty."

"gracelynn," my mom pleaded softly. "just try it, okay?"

i saw her face, sad and soft. she looked so hopeless and it hurt to see her like that. i swallowed, finally aware of how dry my mouth actually was. i turned back to the doctor, opening my mouth and letting her give me a sip. she pulled it back, watching me.

"i'm going to leave this here." she placed the open bottle on the table. "i'm going to go check on your paper work and see what we're going to do tomorrow, can i bring you anything back? you want a candy bar or some food?"

"no," i sighed and shut my eyes. "i want to see rafe."

i felt all the pain come rushing back over my body as i groaned, letting tears fall down my face.

"sweetheart, it's kind of late, i'm sure rafe is sleeping." my mom told me.

"please," i cried and looked to her. "i want to see rafe."

my mom looked at the doctor.

"i think her pain meds are starting to wear off." she said and hurried to the counter, gathering everything i needed to take.

"please, mom." i begged. "please, call rafe."

she took a breath before nodding. she pulled her phone out, dialing rafe quickly. i heard her phone only ring once before he answered.

"rafe, she's asking for you." my mom explained, pausing. "okay, see you then."

she hung up and pushed her phone in her pocket.

baby blue • rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now