"Don't play dumb. The prince! The prince is missing. Have you seen him?"

My eyes go wide and my heart races. Why didn't I think that my father would send guards to come looking for me? I was so naïve to think otherwise. There's no way the king would've lived on without his first born son, heir to the throne.

"There's no need to be upset. I haven't seen any prince around these parts and even if I did I have no idea what he looks like." Hugh's voice remains calm, but controlling. "It's not like he visits us peasants often."

The guard seems to get frustrated with Hugh. "Thank you for your input," his voice is full of venom. "I will have a picture drawn and put up in the town square by dawn tomorrow and then you're going to tell me where he has gone."

And with that the guards turn and march down the dirt path.

My heart pounds, blood rushes loudly past my ears, I breathe heavily and clutch at my beating heart. How could I be so dumb? Of course I can't just hide out at some bakery, I need to be running. But, I can't just leave now, I don't want to leave George alone again. I've finally got along with him, and Hugh has been so kind.

I need to leave so they don't get hurt, but... what if I stay? Wouldn't working at a bakery be a great cover?

George shakes my shoulder. "Clay? Are you alright? You don't look so good."

I turn to him, the fear evident across my paled features. "I'm just- I," I swallow thickly, and wet my dry lips. "I'm fine."

George's eyebrows raise up in disbelief. "I don't think so." He pulls on my arm to stand up. "C'mon."

He drags me down the stairs, and I slightly stumble over my feet still in shock and fear. Hugh catches a glimpse of me and walks over. He roughly holds my arm to keep me on my feet. I feel light headed.

"Are you alright?" Hugh's gruff voice brings my eyes up to his.

I breathe out shakily. George guides me to a chair and I sit down. He stays by my side, gently rubbing my arm.

"I... uhh." I stutter out trying to calm down. The room feels like it's spinning.

"What's wrong son?" Hugh asks lightly.

George shakes his head. "I don't know. He started freaking out when the guards were here."

Hugh hums. "No need to be afraid. They wont be coming back anytime soon."

"Yes they will," I state blankly.

"What do you mean?" George asks.

"They'll keep coming back until they find... the prince, don't you think?" My voice shakes as I talk.

"Well... I don't think-"

George cuts his father off. "Clay?"

I look into his eyes. He knows something? "I'm scared... of them coming back."

"But why?" George has a tight grip on my shoulder as he looks at me, wanting answers.

I want to tell him the truth so badly. I hated lying to such nice people. And the fact that the guards attacked Hugh because of me, just added to my guilty conscience. But... it might be better to lay low for as long as I can, even if that means not telling them the truth.

"I-" I swallow thickly, "they took my family from me, and I don't want them to take me too."

George's eyes scan my face.

Please buy it, please buy it.

He doesn't look convinced. Hugh grabs my other shoulder, the one George isn't squeezing to death.

"I won't let them take you, son. Not in a million years," Hugh affirms.

I give a small smile, but the guilt weighing on my chest seems to get heavier. "Thank you," I mumble quietly.

"Now off to bed you two. It's a big day of working tomorrow." Hugh gives me a pat on the back and George finally let's go of my shoulder.

We saunter back up the stairs and I plop on the floor with my pile of bedding. I look at the discarded loot and cards we had been using before. I sigh heavily.

George looks at me wearily. "Clay?"

I look up at him. He nervously wrings his fingers together.

"Umm... you don't," he clears his throat, "you don't have to sleep on the floor if you don't want to."

I quirk an eyebrow. Where else was I supposed to sleep?

"There's uhh... room on my bed..." he gestures to the bed and gives me a nervous smile.


Thanks for reading! By the way, just a little fun fact; the lyrics to the song Dream sings is actually a poem I found online titled "A Dream". I thought it was fitting for the story. :)

1365 words

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