Liam POV (Leaving)

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For some odd reason I thought that packing up for a one-day camping trip was going to be easy.

How wrong I was.

We woke up at 5:00am to start pack and right now it is 8:30am. Everything, is pack and we are still in the house because daddy is taking for ever to pee.

"Mommy," I groan collapsing on the ground. "Why are we still here?"

"Because you father is using the restroom."

I cross my arms over my chest glaring at the bathroom door, "I think we should leave him."

"Liam, we are not leaving anyone here." My mom sighs, "Get you bag and stand by the door."

I glance back at her contemplating whether or not I should disobey her, I decide against it. I don't want to be in trouble during our vacation.

I take my bag off the kitchen table and drag it across the floor to the door I have been waiting to walk out of since I woke up this morning at an obnoxiously early hour.

When I walk by the bathroom I slam my bag into the door and keep on walking like nothing happened.

"Liam." My mom scolds me from behind, I don't turn around to look at her. I know exactly what she looks like, she probably has her arms crossed over her chest and a scowl fixed on her face.

"Liam." She says softer.

 Well wanna-be-scowl. Luckily for me my mother has yet to master the art of scowling my father on the other hand.....

"Liam, I called your name look at me."

I drop my bag in front the door and look back at her.

"Can you get me a water?"

She's not scowling, I guess it is pretty hard to scowl at such a cute face.

I nod and run off into the kitchen, when I come back with her glass of water. My father and her are once again making contact in the lips, also know as ,by lesser beings, as kissing.

I stifle a gag, or try to, it comes out as a cough.

They don't stop. How utterly rude of them.

Only when I rest the water on the table do they stop.

"Sorry, Liam." My mom squeaks looking at me with pity.

I am not a baby, I know that once you get to a certain age you need cuties to live. But all good things in moderation. not moderation.

"What are you apologizing for? You didn't do anything." Daddy says leaning over to kiss mommy again, but on the forehead this time. Balancing on his arms, one hand pressed to the edge of the kitchen table and the other holding onto the back of mommy's chair.

"You know Liam, he doesn't like to see people kissing."

"And I thought he was a Thorne," Daddy shakes his head.

"Just because he is a Thorne doesn't mean he likes to see people kissing, plus, he is three."

I cross my arms over my chest, scowling at my parents just like my mother scowls at me. I hate it when people bring up my age.

Like I shouldn't have brain cells because I am three.

"How is he supposed to carry on the Thorne legacy if he can't even kiss somebody much less watch people kiss."

Cress glares at him, "Well I think that would be a good improvement to the Thorne legacy."

"No it wouldn't."

"Yes it would."

We are trying to get out of the city so that we can start our camping adventure and somehow my parents think it's more important to start a petty argument.

"Imagine the kind of husband I would be if I hadn't had lots and lots of practice kissing girls, charming girls," Daddy waggle his eyebrow at Mommy. "And being amazing."

"Yeah, imagine what kind of husband you would be if you hadn't practiced saying 'I love you' to twenty other girls."

Daddy smirks looking at me now, "See."

"Can we leave now?" I glare at them scrunching my whole face together. It feels weird and by the face that mommy gives me I can tell that it looks weird too.

"Yeah," Mommy pushes out her chair with the help of daddy, "We should probably get going"



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