Throne POV (Smoothie)

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Shout out to ILovebooks03252010 for being my editor and making my story better!!!! 

"So," I pull the hover door closed, "How did you like the house?"

Cress shrugs, "It was nice."

"So, you like it?"

She nods slowly, "I  guess."

"Okay, what was your favorite part?"

Cress looks over to me clearly annoyed, "I don't know maybe the bedroom."

"Uh oh," I laugh, "Someone's hungry."

"We don't have time for lunch, we have to go pick up Liam."

"Oh yeah," I frown, "That tiny factor.....well we can at least get a little smoothie together...right?"

Cress nods slowly.

. . . . .

"I'll have a mango tango." I say to the person standing behind the window.

Cress looks over at the menu board to the side of the car. "I think....I will get the Green drink."

"Are you sure you want that? I've heard drinking something that nasty can change a person." 

She shakes her head at my comment, her hand slowly caressing her baby bump, "The doctor said I have to eat healthy."

I shrug, "Okay." I lean out the hover window, "And my wife will have the green drink."

"Can I have a name for your order?"


The teenage boy nods, taps something into the computer in front of us, "That will be $10.28." He holds the scanner out to me. I stick my arm out the window so that he can scan my chip.

The scanner beeps, he pulls it back inside, "You can drive up to the next window, they'll have your drink ready."

I nod pulling up a few feet to the next window.

"Are you Carswell?"

I nod.

"Okay, here is your order. One mango tango and one green drink."

I take the bag and pull it into the car. "Thank you." 

The worker nods, "Have a great day," they say with no enthusiasm closing the door.

I pull away from that window and park in one of the parking spots in the parking lot. "Okay Cress," I take the smoothies out of the bag. "Here is your green drink."

She takes it from me laughing, "Just because I want a healthy drink doesn't mean you have to make fun of me."

"Oh yes it does, " I take my drink out of the bag throwing the bag in the back of the car.

I watch Cress take a sip, she looks at me. 

"Do you like it?"

Cress cringes, "No."

I taste mine watching her, "Mm mine is....oh to good too describe. Oh Cress, I don't think I have ever tasted anything better....This is it Cress, my tastebuds have found there heaven."

Cress glares at me, "You're being mean."

"I am not, I told you not to get that."

She frowns watching me take another sip, "Can I try it?"

I can't say no to that face. "Sure." I hand it to her, taking her green drink from her hands.

She takes a sip and her entire face lights up, "This is good."

"I know, that's why I ordered it."

"Can I have it?" Cress asks shyly.

"Cress, if you wanted one you should have ordered it."

She pouts making the cutest face ever.

"Why must you torture me, Cress?"

She giggles, "I'm not torturing you."

"Yes you are."

"No, I'm not."

"Fine have the drink Cress.......TAKE IT. TAKE EVERYTHING."

Cress burst out in laughter.

"What are you laughing at? You just robbed me."

 She keeps laughing.

"You know your so busy laughing I can take the drink back." I smile hopefully.

"No," She holds it close to her chest.

"I still haven't heard my thank you."

 Cress leans over the shoulder rest to my side, "Thank you."

"Cress, what are you doing?"

"I want a kiss."

I role my eyes and peck her forehead.

She frowns at me, "On the lips."

I peck her on the lips.

"Thorne," She whines, "That wasn't even a real kiss."

"What do you mean? My lips touched yours, that is the definition of the kiss."

She leans further.

"Oh my stars, Cress."

I kiss her again, like actually kiss her.

She breaks away eyes gleaming, "I love you."

"I love you too, Cress."

"You know who else loves you?" She asks go back over to her side of the car.


"The baby." She chirps rubbing her stomach.

"Oh yeah." I rest my hand on her stomach, moving my thumb back and forth on her bump.

Cress takes a sip of my smoothie, smiling. "Yeah, he or she is very happy that you let us drink the mango tango instead of the green drink."

Umm, I'm sorry if this chapter sucked. I wrote this while watching the olymipics and listening to Kiss Me More by Doja Cat (don't judge me) 



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