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Jongho opened his eyes and looked around, clearly, he wasn't home. The blue wallpaper and lively room did not resemble his own. He looked at himself and saw he had a different t-shirt but was still wearing his own jeans. 

The ravenette got up and found the living room, he saw Mingi sleeping on the couch and smiled. He sat down next to him and ran his hand through his hair in order to wake him up.

"Morning" He greets when he saw the elder stir and blink his eyes.

"Hey there" Mingi rubbed his eyes and got up. "You okay? Does your head hurt?" He asked as he gently placed his hand on Jongho's head.

"I'm fine, don't worry. I'm kind of thirsty and hungry but that's all"

"I'll make you breakfast while you shower" Mingi got up but was stopped by Jongho.

"Thank you for taking care of me, I hope I didn't bother you or anything yesterday" 

"You didn't. You were fine, I took you back here once you started getting sleepy but that's all. You didn't do anything bad yesterday so don't think about that" Mingi smiled at the boy's cute attitude before sitting back down.

"By the way, did you change me?" Jongho looked at his clothes and back at the other boy.

"Just your shirt!" Mingi's eyes grew wide and his face red. 

"No, no I know! I noticed" Jongho laughed and waved his hands in front of his face.

"I'd never touch you like that when you're drunk. Besides I figured that since you were drunk, you'd be comfortable whether in jeans or pajamas so might as well leave them on"

"Good call" Jongho gave him a thumbs up and got up. "Can I borrow a shirt?" He asked.

"Yeah, gonna have to keep your pants though, I doubt mine will fit you"

"Probably not, no" Jongho said after looking at the elder's long legs and then his.

After he brought the younger a spare shirt and a towel, Mingi proceeded to make them some breakfast with his limited cooking skills. 

"I'm practically swimming in this" He was done five minutes before Jongho immerged wearing one of his, way too big, T-Shirt.

"It's fine, you look cute"

Thanks" Jongho blushed and played with the hem of the shirt. Mingi smiled at the cute sight and brought him to the table where the two ate breakfast in silence.

Mingi's phone buzzed, he pulled it out and saw he had gotten a message from Jongho.

Jongho: Did I do anything stupid yesterday?

Mingi_99: No xd

Mingi_99: Don't worry, you were fine

Mingi_99: I already told you :)

Jongho: And nothing happened, right?

Jongho: Between us...

Mingi_99: No, Jongho

Mingi_99: I told you that too

Mingi_99: Why are you asking this by text? xd

Jongho: I'm kind of embarrassed, I don't remember what I did yesterday

Mingi_99: You were fine, a little bit clingy but that's it

Mingi_99: Believe me, I wanted you to be a lot worse :c

Jongho: Why?????

Mingi_99: Because you were so cute

Mingi saw that the boy didn't answer, so he turned off his phone and looked at him. Jongho's cheeks were painted a light pink shade and his eyes were glued to his phone. Mingi leaned and took the phone which made Jongho open his eyes wide. He was about to tell the elder off when he noticed his face was only a few inches away from his.

Mingi looked at him in the eyes and grabbed his chin pulling the boy closer until their lips met. Jongho was shocked whereas Mingi's eyes were already closed, lost in the kiss. Jongho's eyes fluttered shut as well as he melted in the kiss.

The brunette brought his hand on Jongho's neck bringing him closer and deepening the kiss which lasted for a few more seconds until they parted for air.

"You keep doing that" Jongho whispered.

"You started this remember, I'm just following your footsteps" Mingi smiled and got up going to clean his and Jongho's dishes.

"I'm going to go shower, okay? I'll bring you home afterwards"

"Okay" Jongho nodded and watched Mingi close the bathroom door. Once alone, he let out a long sigh. His heart was beating out of his chest and his lips wouldn't stop smiling. He was happy. 


Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been so busy with classes :( 

My parents left for two months to go back home so I'm alone with my brother. Imma start getting paranoid every time I hear something just like always... 

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