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The party had started about thirty minutes ago and still no sign of Yunho or Mingi. Jongho had been obsessing over the fact that he would be meeting the brunette today and couldn't stop looking for him. Just as he was about to go get himself another drink, the doorbell rang. His mind froze as his body walked him all the way to the door, he twisted the doorknob and it front of him stood two tall brunette boys.

"Jongho! Happy birthday! Sorry if we're late, I'll tell you about it later, Right now I need a drink" Yunho hugged his friend and talked at the same time, whereas Jongho's eyes were glued to the other boy. He hadn't listened to one word Yunho had said and didn't notice he had already left.

"Happy birthday, Jongho" Mingi smiled and handed him a present.

"You didn't have to" Jongho mumbled. He placed both of his hands around the present in order to take it but ended placing the exactly on top of Mingi's.

"Sorry!" He immediately took them back making the other chuckle.

"It's alright, I promise I washed them before coming" Mingi bent down to see Jongho's face, he could faintly hear him chuckle. The brunette ruffled the other's black locks and entered the house.

"You can go get a drink while I put this upstairs" Jongho pointed to the table were all of the drinks were.
"Alright, see you soon" The boy's calm demeanor wasn't what Jongho had expected from him but he couldn't deny the fact that it made him ten times hotter.

When he came down, he saw Mingi talking with Wooyoung and another boy. The brunette turned his head and met Jongho's gaze. It was only when he winked at him, that Jongho had to turn around and hide in the kitchen.

He rested his back on the counter, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He heard steps coming and opened his eyes, Mingi had just entered the kitchen and was now standing right in front of him.

"H-hey" Jongho cursed himself for stuttering.

"Hi, nice party. I love your place, it's very you" Mingi smiled and pointed around.

"Thanks, I love it too. I feel good and comfortable here"

"Is that why you never seem to leave ir and be with actual people in the scary outside world?"

"Maybe" Both boys chuckled.

"So, now that we've met, are you disappointed?" Jongho asked afraid of the answer.

"Not at all" Mingi had placed both of his arms on either side of Jongho's figure and leaned in.

"How about you?" He asked looking straight into his eyes.

"Uh uh, no, me neither" Jongho had trouble breathing at this point. The other's face was so close to his.

"I'm glad. I told you we should have met sooner" Mingi stood back up and smiled a wide smile before turning around and leaving the kithcen.  Jongho breathed in deeply, confused as to how could this boy have such a strong duality. 

Fate l MinghoWhere stories live. Discover now