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Jongho: Guess what?

Mingi_99: Kurt Cobain was never dead?? He's still alive!!!

Jongho: Do you honestly believe that's what I'm about to tell you?

Mingi_99: No...

Jongho: Good so I won't feel bad when it's not that

Jongho: When I got back to work this guy came in and had tons of questions about which phone he should be and stuff like that

Jongho: We talked for a long time and he was actually pretty nice! He made my afternoon a lot better

Jongho: Besides, he ended up buying tons of things, I think he's very into technology and stuff like that

Mingi_99: Hey that's great! I'm happy for you 😊

Jongho: Thank you~

Mingi_99: So, what's his name?

Jongho: I think he said Jared, we exchanged phone number and stuff

Jongho: Can you believe it, me? The antisocial me!!

Mingi_99: I'm proud of you! You went out of your comfort zone

Jongho: Well that's all because a special someone has been helping me emerge from my shell

Mingi_99: Can that special someone expect a reward next time you see them????

Jongho: Depends on what he has in mind...

Mingi_99: I mean, what do you have in mind? 👄

Jongho: Song Mingi!!!

Mingi_99: So that's a no???

Mingi_99: You're still coming to see me tomorrow right???

Jongho: Keep this up and I won't

Mingi_99: I'll stop! 🥺

Jongho: I'll be there at two, what should I bring???

Mingi_99: Haribo, always more Haribo

Jongho: How do you still have all 32 of your teeth, it's a mystery 

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