Chapter 25 - Swimming Lessons

Start from the beginning


Eren, Mikasa, and Armin <3

I laughed at the last sentence, the poor handwriting and spelling indicated Eren wrote that himself. Everything else seems to be written by Mikasa. The ink finally finished drying so I rolled the document back up and went through the process of shoving it back in the rod. 

You know what, maybe I'll visit them today. It's been awhile since I've seen them, and it would be nice to get away from HQ.

It's decided. After quickly packing my things I'll double check with Erwin and ride to the small village. I pack up the essentials: clothes, toiletries, and a blanket. The discussion with Erwin doesn't last long, he just tells me to be back for a meeting Monday morning. 

I walk over to the stables to get Copenhagen's saddle ready. I double check to make sure I'm alone. When satisfied that I'm the only one here, I pull out the ripped up pieces of paper from my pocket. I place them on the ground in a corner and use a torch to light them on fire, within seconds the paper is reduced to ashes. I kick dirt and hay over the small pile, smearing it all together with my foot in order to hide any indication of a fire.

As I'm adjusting the leather straps of his saddle, I hear someone approach the stables whistling a sweet melody. The footsteps and whistling abruptly stop at the entrance and I turn around out of curiosity. A semi-shocked Levi is standing in the barn door threshold. Following his gaze I realize that my shorts have ridden up my legs, mostly likely showing off the bottom of my ass cheeks.

I decide to tease him a little and put my hands on my hips. "You like what you see?" I ask while smirking.

He folds his arms and leans against the door. "Actually yes, yes I do."

My cocky smirk falters and I blink. Is.... is this man really flirting with me right now?... And, do I actually like it? No (Y/N) you need to stop thinking like this, you both agreed a relationship wouldn't work. You'd both get hurt in the end. 

I clear my throat and go back to fiddling with the straps to distract myself. "So were you planning on going for a ride?" I ask nonchalantly.

"Actually yeah, I thought I'd explore some of the surrounding forest," he pauses and walks to the stall next to mine where Aimilios stood, "Where are you headed to?"

I turn back to face him and see him staring curiously at my duffel bag. "Oh I'm going to visit the kids, the family they're staying with lives only a few hours away." 

Hi gaze flicks downwards. "Oh, tell them I say hi."

If I'm not mistaken, I could've sworn I heard disappointment in his voice. A twinge of guilt tightens my chest as I realize he doesn't really have anyone to go home to. In fact, the Survey Corps HQ is practically his home now. I know damn sure he'd never go back to where he lived in the Underground, at least not willingly. 

An idea pops in my head. "You should come with! The kids always ask how you're doing, I'm sure they'd be happy to see you too."

He contemplates for a moment before shrugging his shoulders. "Sure, why not."

"Yay! You just need to pack some clothes and a blanket, and any other day-to-day things. Oh and one more thing, change out of your uniform. I gave us the weekend off, you don't have to be so formal."

He rolls his eyes. "Sure thing, Captain."


The ride to the small village only takes about two hours. By the time we get there, the afternoon sun is high in the sky, it's rays beating against our backs. While we were riding, the wind was able to keep us cool, but now that we've stopped, I can feel myself starting to sweat. I slide off the saddle and stretch out my stiff legs.

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