Chapter 23 - Handsome Boy

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Trigger warning: This chapter contains minor themes of physical and sexual abuse, and pedophilia.

Levi's POV

Today has been quite uneventful, aside from having to break up a fight between Chris and some other cadet. Damn that kid pisses me off sometimes, he is so unnecessarily cocky. My boots softly click as I stride down the corridor to Hange's office, she wanted me to bring some files over to (Y/N)'s to co-sign.

As I approach the door I heard the sound of some clutter hitting the ground followed by a giggle and some curse words. I rap on the door a couple times but get no response, even though I clearly hear someone in there. Exhaustion from training these past days have clouded my judgement and my impatience caused me to open the door anyways.

The sight, or I guess activity, I walk in on rattles me to to core. Moblit's bare ass was the first thing I noticed, followed by a pair of legs wrapped around his waist. I stood frozen in the doorway until the sound of a desk creaking and high pitched moans snapped me out of my daze. I slammed the door shut, not even caring to say anything.

My head starts spinning as I sprint down the hallway, desperate to get as far away from people as possible. I need to be alone, I need to be somewhere private. Hearing those sounds instantly brought me back to a time of my life I spend so much energy trying to forget. I can feel the memory of when I was six clawing at the back of my mind, desperate to plague my mind again after years of being locked away. 

I bound up the stairs leading to the roof and practically kick the door down as I burst through it. As I reach the middle of the roof I feel my knees give out and I collapse to the ground, clutching my hair so tight my scalp starts screaming out in protest. I try to think of something, anything, to distract my mind and snap myself back to reality.

But the scene I walked in on will forever be burned in my mind, as well as what happened all those years ago. I shake my head as if I could physically throw the images out of head and burn them. To no avail, nothing works and I'm sucked back in time.


I threw on one of mom's tattered shirts and turned around, flapping my arms. "Momma look! We're matching!"

She was in the middle of brushing her long, jet black hair when she turned around in her chair to meet me. A smile spread across her face and she giggles, "Look at my handsome boy! The blue really brings out your eyes." She motions for me to walk over and I do, stopping at the foot of the chair and make grabby hands.

She picks me up with no effort and sits me on her lap. I stare into the mirror, my icy blue-grey eyes staring back at me. Momma's right, the blue shirt does match my eyes. She's always right, she knows so many things. I turn to look at her, "What does handsome mean?"

She giggles and ruffles my hair, causing me to giggle as well. "Hmmm, well, being handsome means you're cute and good-looking," she says, tapping my nose.

I ponder for a moment before throwing my arms around her in a hug, "Then I think you're handsome too!"

The vibrations through her chest from laughing resonate against mine. I'm confused, why is momma laughing, did I say something dumb? I look up at her and pout, "What's so funny?" She pats my back a couple times before speaking, "The word handsome is usually used for boys, girls are typically called beautiful, or pretty."

I tilt my head to the side and exclaim, "Oh, well then you're the most beautiful lady I know!" 

She picks me up and spins us around, making me squeal, "And you Levi, are the most handsome little man I know."

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