Chapter 3 - Survey Corps

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November, 844

Your POV

I have been staying with the Jaeger's for almost two months now. The original plan was to stay for a few days so I could figure out what to do with my life. But they're such a kind family, I started to grow attached. In compensation for living with them, I assisted Dr. Jaeger with his medical practice since I have a decent amount of experience. I learned a lot from him about mixing medicines and how to treat certain sicknesses.

Also, I have been teaching Carla and her kids, Mikasa, and Eren, self-defense techniques and proper ways to fight. Carla was hesitant at first, but I reminded her that I won't be around forever to protect her family. Eren and Mikasa on the other hand, were more than willing to learn, they even brought their childhood friend, Armin over for some sessions.

If they all behaved, I would take them horseback riding out in the open fields outside of Shiganshina. Copenhagen was reluctant at first to have someone else ride him, but he soon gave in once all the kids started to spoil him with carrots and apples.

"Alright kids, it's time to go home!" I shouted, they all groaned, clearly wanting to stay out.

"Awwww come on Ms. Johansen, 30 more minutes?" Eren pleaded.

I didn't reply for second, still trying to get used to my new last name. After Grisha asked me my name, and where I was from, I panicked and said my name was (Y/N) Johansen from the forest outside of Shiganshina. There was no rhyme or reason why I chose that last name, I just thought it was pretty and a common name.


"Hey Grisha?"

"Hm?" He asked looking up from his newspaper.

"I know I'm still a stranger to you, and I've asked a lot, but is there any possible way you could help me restore my identity papers? My old house caught fire destroying all the records I had before. However, I was able to salvage this." I handed him my burnt birth certificate, only half of the document remained. Luckily my last name was illegible due to the charred paper, and only my mother's and I's first name was readable. Part of our family's doctor signature, Joseph, was scribbled at the bottom.

He sat there for a second, trying to decide what to do. "This is the only document you have?" he questioned. I nodded 'yes'. "Very well, I can work with this, how do you spell your last name again?"

End of Flashback

I looked down at my left forearm, still wrapped in gauze. Even though my burn fully healed weeks ago, I continued to keep it wrapped, not wanting to risk revealing my true identity. Luckily since it's been cold out, I've been wearing long sleeves, so no one notices anyways.

"Sorry kiddo, but I promised your parents we would be back for dinner, plus, it's going to get dark soon." I picked Eren up and threw him over my shoulder as I walked to my horse, Mikasa was already in position at the reins.

"I take it you want to guide us back home?" I questioned, a small smile appearing on my face.

"Yes, if that's ok with you" she replied, looking down.

I chuckled at her shyness, "Of course sweetheart, you know the way." With that we took off down the dusty, earth rode and made our way back home.

We arrived just in time, Carla was getting dinner ready and Grisha just finished cleaning up. I sent the kids inside to freshen up while I brought in the firewood we gathered from earlier. Dinner was delicious, as usual, Carla was an amazing cook. After eating and cleaning, everyone went to their respected quarters: Carla reading in the living room, Eren and Mikasa in their rooms, and Grisha in the basement. I ventured up to the roof, a small patio sat on top of their house where they normally hung their laundry.

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