Chapter 6 : Mom, I think something is wrong with Alexa.

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"Give me five minutes" Tony replied, already started on the task. "In the meantime you guys make sure Perry does not realize anything is wrong.

written in Third person (I think) 

"Do not worry Man of Iron, I have heard tales on how to deal with matters such as these." Thor boomed, voice echoing through the lab.

Tony opened his mouth as if to reject Thor's offer, but was cut off once again by Perry's voice.

"Alexa, play under the sea." This time it sounded less like a command and more like a question.

"Hope your charade is good" Tony murmured then clicked the button allowing Perry to hear them.

Thor took a deep breath then said in a chirpy female voice "sorry, I don't understand that."

Tony quickly muted the Avengers side of the conversation and went back to trying to fix the problem. A muttered shout of "Mom, I think Alexa is broken" came through the speaker and it was swiftly followed by the sound of pattering footsteps coming closer to the Alexa.

"How much longer Tony" Banner inquired

"Three minutes" Tony growled back.

"We don't have have three minutes, Perry and whoever's with him is going to ask something in the next ten seconds"

Sure enough another voice came through the speaker this one being older and female, evidently Perry's mom. "I bet it is just on the fritz honey, you know how technology is around you. Here let me try." The footsteps came closer to Alexa. "Alexa, play under the sea"

The Avenger looked around in fear to see if they could use anything. Then in a panic Bruce blurted out "Javis, sing under the sea"   

Alexa problems (PJO/Avengers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now