Chapter 33 - Getting Through The Palace

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We went back to the place we were dropped and saw a pretty strong enemy blocking our way. It was clear that they were not going to make this easy. This shadow turned into a stone sarcophagus and we began the fight. Something peaked out and turned a few of my team into mice. I grabbed them and guarded them after the enemy summoned Lamias to help him fight us.

"Mona, guard them." I said. "Fox you deal with the Lamias, I'll take on that guy."

"Understood Joker. But be careful." he said.

"I'll heal you two if you need it." Mona said.

I nodded and we began the battle, I was trying to figure out the weakness of the current enemy while Fox dealt with the Lamias. I will say that this isn't easy when we're the only ones.

"Come Nekotama!" I yelled.

Nekotama used a wind attack and it knocked the enemy back. So it's weakness is wind, we have a fighting chance. Yusuke defeated the lamias but looked exhausted, I tossed him an item that would help him recover stamina and he caught it as I fought the coffin enemy. I summoned Shadeon's power to do the cross slash finishing the enemy off. Makoto, Ann, and Ryuji returned to normal as Yusuke and did a bit of a fist bump. He was fascinated too though by the dark energy around my arms.

"You can feel the intensity of the energy. Fascinating." Yusuke said. "I just have to draw this one day."

I chuckled and we asked the others if they were okay. They nodded and we continued through this new path and dealt with any enemies that got in our way. We found out these beams of light were the keys to unlocking the giant door, well, the first one at least. I guess the only way to get through here is if we find these other light beams and aim them at the door locks. We fought to get to the second one and this time found a mural of that showed men reading a suicide note to Futaba when she was already full of sorrow.

"How can humans be so cruel?" Shadeon said.

'That's just the way they can get Shadeon. Some humans can be very selfish.' I thought. 'It's why these things happen a lot.'

"Humans can be very confusing." said one of my personas.

We continued on our way and stopped at a safe room for a breather. Makoto saw me lost in thought as Shadeon was talking to me. Shadeon was telling me about a new skill that involved transferring the dark energy to form a tail, he said the move is called Shadow Sweep. It's pretty strong. I am nearly at the strength required to use it.

"Joker, are you okay?" she asked.

"Hmm?" I said looking up.

"Oh you're talking to Shadeon." she said.

"Sorry, did I make you worry?" I asked.

"A bit yes." she said.

"Sorry, Shadeon was telling me about a new skill that I can unlock soon." I said.

"What is it?" Yusuke asked.

"Yeah, we should be ready for it." Ryuji said.

"Shadow Sweep is what it's called." I said. "Got something to do with a tail."

"So you're going to have a tail made of the dark energy?" Ann asked. "There won't be a hole in your pants will there?"

"Not that I'm aware of." I said. "How is everyone feeling by the way? Are we good to continue or call it a day?"

"I think we can keep going for now." Ryuji said.

"Yep, but let's try focusing on physical attacks and use our Stamina when we absolutely need to." Mona said.

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