Chapter 30 - Getting to Know Ann and a Summer Mystery

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I woke up early one morning to my phone ringing and heard Ann on the other end.

"Ann, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Hey um...Can you help me pick up some things from the store? It's a cosmetics store."

"Sure, give me a bit to get dressed."

"Can I just meet you there? Please?"

She sounded sad and a bit nervous.

"Yeah, tell you what, I'll let you into Leblanc." I said yawning.

I got up and went downstairs after texting Sojiro letting him know a friend really needed to come over. I'll make Ann a cup of coffee. When she arrived, she had covered her arms in bandages.

"Ann?" I said worried. "Come in."

She walked in and I undid her bandages.

"These are nasty scars, what happened?"

"I...Was the victim of an attack before moving here. I use smudge-proof and water proof foundation to cover the scars cause they look bad in fashion." she said. "I'm scared to go to the store and have people think that I am a danger to myself."

"True, someone would assume that very thing. Ryuji wears a leg brace or leg sleeve when he over-exerts himself during our missions." I said.

"Really? I didn't know that." she said as I made her coffee.

"Here, have some coffee, we'll set out after you're more awake. I can tell you're still tired." I said. "Does your job know too?"

"Yeah, they do. They asked me to show the scars off but I'm afraid of what some people will think seeing my scars." she said.

"Screw what they think. People like to gossip all the damn time Ann, if you let that stop you from being you then you won't get far with your heart." I said.


"I'm not forcing you to uncover the scars. But you know I'm right."

"Yeah you're right but can we get more foundation from the store till I'm comfortable with it?" she asked.

"Course we can." I said.

She finished her coffee and I did the dishes. We went to the store and she picked up more foundation that she uses to cover the scars. Since it was early still, I was working on tasks and met up with Yusuke at the art Exhibit. Sadly no one like his painting and an art critic said mean things about it to set Yusuke off on purpose.

"Let's go Yusuke, we'll work on finding your answer."

"Of course, thank you Ren."

I decided to check on Mishima as he's been acting weird lately. He wanted me to force a change of heart of an old school bully. Mishima was becoming distorted by thinking he'd become famous if he was our manager. I have to stop him. I texted the others.

Ren: Meet me at the hide-out. It's an emergency.

Ann: What's wrong Ren?

Yusuke: I was just about to ask that myself.

Ren: It's about Mishima, he's trying to force a target he wants us to deal with on us.

Makoto: This is serious, it can't wait till tomorrow.

We met up and I told them about the request Mishima gave me.

"Dude, Mishima's not a bad guy though." Ryuji said.

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