He glanced down between us, mainly to hide his cocky smirk, "well, judging by that..." he pauses, waiting for my eyes to open once more and I notice that his irises are muddy rather than clear and bright, "little noise, I'm gonna say you can't be quiet for shit." His hand tightens slightly, sliding down to my neck along with his focus, "later. Do you understand?" I respond only with a tight nod, met with a confident quirk of his mouth. "Good girl," he adds surely, releasing my throat just as my lungs deflate loudly.

"You know, in a month, they'll be able to hear stuff," I point out, half reprimanding him whilst trying to hide the blush pooled in my cheeks. "You're gonna have to calm down with the shit you say."

He shrugs lightly, poking my ribs playfully, "you like it. If they can hear, they can deal with it."

"Okay, but really, try not to traumatise the child before they're even born," I laugh softly, leaning forward as he rests back and looping my arms around his neck loosely.

My cheek fits into his solid chest comfortably, his thumb running gently along my spine, "Han, they're gonna be fine. Stop worrying."

"I just want to be a good mom," I exhale sharply, sitting up without warning, my legs still either side of his narrow hips.

"You are and you will be, Cherry, I promise. We can be the parents we would've wanted," he assures me, eyes sparkling beneath the dim light of my childhood bedroom.

I pout playfully, tilting my head to one side, "my parents are the parents I would've wanted."

He chuckles softly, sliding his hand from his chest to my hip and squeezing gently, "I'll try my best to copy you, then."


Slowly, my dad seems to be accepting Harry more and more. My mom had overcome the slight absurdity of the situation and now, it's like we never broke up at all. It would be if my dad didn't hold a remaining tinge of pure, unadulterated hatred in his eyes every time Harry dares to walk by, but what can I do? I suppose I'm just grateful he's managed to restrain himself enough to not scare Harry off for good, despite Harry's reassurances that no matter the treatment he may receive from my father, he's right by my side.

My mom and I have spent the past couple of hours cooking and preparing dinner, although most of it has been chatting endlessly about parenting tips and amusing stories of my childhood, warnings of things I'll inevitably have to deal with and even a few sentimental comments about how she can't believe her baby is having a baby.

After a moment of silence falls between us, I realise how quiet the whole house has been for quite a while now, in fact, and an immature strike of concern bolts through my body. "I'll be back in a second," I announce to my mom, slipping from the room before she can respond and into the lounge, only to find an empty room. Walking quietly along the corridor, I stop just outside of my dad's office at the sound of voices; unlike the raised, angry, volatile voices I would've expected, I pick out two soft, calm voices and back away before I can disturb them.



When John had approached me with crossed arms and a frown on his face, I'd thought for sure this would be the actual end. Then, he'd implied with a tsk for me to follow him, and I obliged, unwillingly, and led me towards his office. He'd started off, "I want to be happy that my daughter's happy, but... I just can't accept that it's with you, knowing what you did. I remember how heartbroken she was for months, how she cried, how she didn't want to live because she didn't have you." He'd paused whilst I'd blinked heavily, "and then she's with you again. What happened?"

And now, I stand foolishly for a few seconds before finally processing his meaning. Subconsciously avoiding his glaring eyes, I clear my throat, "I, um... I... didn't cheat on Hana. I never slept with anyone else."

"But you—"

"I know we broke up because I did. The, um—" I pause, pouting slightly as I hurdle my remaining hesitation; after Carl, I'd always been afraid to speak openly about my sexuality, especially when with older men. "The guy I was with that night... he, um—he basically..." I inhale deeply, still unable to meet his eye as I rub below my eye awkwardly. "He drugged me, so. Yeah, I didn't cheat. Not consensually, at least." I release the giant puff of oxygen I'd purposely retained in my lungs, finally managing to connect our gazes to find his has softened immensely.

He shifts, clearly unsure of how to navigate the situation, and coughs lightly. "Harry, I'm... I think that if my daughter can forgive and love you, I should be able to, too." He crosses his arms over his chest, acknowledging my nod just as I turn awkwardly to leave, and adds carefully, "Harry, wait. I'm... I'm really sorry about what happened. You didn't deserve that."

In three seconds, Hana's dad just summarised everything I ever wanted to hear from my own dad's mouth in twenty-seven years. Without a second thought, I practically launch myself back towards him, embracing him tightly as my eyes squeeze shut. Before long, I process that I'm hugging a man I believed was plotting to kill me until five minutes ago and I gradually back away, sniffling once to wipe away my emotions.

I notice John nod curtly, and his hand lands on my shoulder firmly. "Thank you," I form the short sentence, glancing away.

"It's alright. Harry, you're part of this family now. Again, but really, this time. Well, my first grandchild will be born in six months, right?"

"Five-and-a-half-ish. Speaking of, any tips for that?"

"The baby, the birth or Hana?"

I contemplate for a second, "Han."

"Well," he starts wisely, turning and leading me back out through the door, "these bad moods she has now? They get worse."

"Wait, what?"


HI THIS IS A SHORT ISH UPDATE BUT I JUST WANTED TO POST AND LET YOU ALL KNOW IM ALIVE!!!!! like i said i've just started college and it's very tiring but once i'm settled i should be back to updating regularly


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