forty two

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just want my babies together again sigh




How fucking stupid can I be? Did I really like tell her I love her? The whole journey back to the main house is spent deliberating between punching myself for being so careless and turning right back around to tell her again and make sure she gets it.

Do I really love her? Did I ever stop? I'm scared I'm ruining her life, actually.

And that's how it runs for the next week; avoiding each other with awkward smiles and glances if it's necessary to even be in the same room, the occasional brush of her hand against my shoulder, her spending time away from camp, more often than not. I assume she's at Arjun's place, and the thought kind of makes me want to punch a wall. Or him, perhaps.

Several times, my dwindling self-control fractures and I sit for hours on the porch of my house, gazing in the direction of her cabin and hoping she's in there, but only once am I pathetic enough to actually knock. There was no answer, but her lights were on, and when I walked away with tears of frustration brimming in my eyes, I noticed a familiar car parked nearby; one that I would gladly smash the windows in if there weren't a child's seat secured in the back.

Out of all the times I've ruined things, I didn't think telling her I didn't cheat would be the one to split us apart so badly. It feels so final, not speaking to one another for a week whilst so physically close.

I get the feeling she's not really sure how to be around me without hints of resentment, but I can't really do that much about it unless she starts speaking to me. I figure I'll find the chance eventually, but I didn't expect it to come as soon as I return home from my casual, late evening run-in to town, discovering her sat on the steps to my front door with her head in her hands.

"Han?" I speak tentatively, stepping forward and dropping my bags beside her when I don't receive any tangible results. Kneeling beside her, I'm careful not to startle her as I place my hand on her knee gently, "hey, Han? You okay?" She replies with nothing but a sniffle, and I frown, "is it your parents?" Finally, she manages to shake her head and give me a discernible answer. "Is it Arjun?"

I take her lack of response as a yes, and twist to sit right next to her, keeping my hand resting on her knee and waiting for her to speak to me herself, without forcing it much more. Eventually, she flips her hair back and wipes beneath both of her eyes at the same time, angling towards me and forging a grateful smile. Clearly, I don't have to nudge her to remind her, "he got so mad."


She only nods in confirmation, nudging once at the underside of her nose and sniffing, "he thinks I'm spending too much time around you."

"Well, you work for me - of course, you're gonna be near me."

She laughs slightly without a trace of humour and inhales through her nose, "he doesn't see it that way. He was drunk—he doesn't usually drink, but, when I got there earlier, he was already so angry at me... shouting about us—"

"Wait, Han," I cut her off; my eyebrows are pulled so far together it almost hurts and I already feel the instinctive rush of fury, but I try to calm myself down even for a minute.

"I've never seen him drunk before, or that mad."

"Did he—" I start, leaning around towards her when she seemingly refuses to face me, probably because she knows I can read her emotions, "did he fucking touch you?"

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