Season 2 Episode 10: The Mobian Jailbreak

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This is based off the Sonic DeviantART Comic "Let Me Out Roaring" An Alternative Universe about what happened in this comic is what will happen in this episode



*The Four Exit the Portal Undetected in the Jailhouse, We Just Saw Shadow Defeat Sonic and Silver*

Shadow: I take it in this universe i defeat the two other hedgehogs...

Me: Well, Yeah. Eggman, Scan The Wall see what they got.

(Boom) Eggman: *Scans the Wall, and Sees Guards Lots of them and Lots of Prisoners* We got more to rescue than just Sonic and Silver...

*Silver's Fur started to dry up*

Shadow: Speaking of which... *We see Silver's Fur Rough up*

Me: This Affects Silver too... We need to do this fast and now! Shadow, I need you to take out the lights and cameras, Inside and outside! *Shadow Dashes off* I am gonna take out guards, Eggman, We need you to hack us in and hack the prisoners out, Silver, you are with me.

*The Plan was put into Action, Shadow used Chaos spear to take out the lamps and cameras, Once he did he went through the vent*

*I Used the force to take out lots of the guards and Eggman hacked our way in, Silver helped out as much as possible*

*LMOR Shadow just finished putting Sonic and Silver in the cells, When He Was Face to Face with another Shadow, He was about to fire but the other shadow, Put him in a headlock and knocked him out as he put him in an empty cell, and took his uniform so that they couldn't tell the difference*

Shadow: I took my uniform, That way the guards can't tell the difference... What do we do now?

Me: We Gotta take out the Eggman in this Dimension, We eliminate him, We release the prisoners, We find Sonic, and Heal him. But to do, You need to pretend you've arrested us.

Shadow: I see where this is going, Got it.

*The Next phase we put was in action*

Shadow "whispers": Use the Force when I snap my fingers...

Me "whispers": Got it.

*LMOR Eggman's Control Room*

Shadow: Sir, We Found these guys lurking around the cells.

Robotnik: Ho HO HOOO!!! So I See... A Human Like me, A Me from an alternative timeline, and the little graphite hedgehog.

Silver: It's Silver...

Robotnik: Be Quiet!!

*I was using my water powers to scan through the computer to see where Sonic is at.*

(Boom) Eggman: Now i know why i am no longer as crazy as me... I Maybe used to losing to the Blue pineapple, I may throw a big fit about it, But He defeats every bot i create, I might as well join him and make peace with him, Than continue losing.

Robotnik: Wow, What a speech that i have NO INTEREST IN!!!

Me "whispers": Found him, Rm 214, Left Hallway, Second Floor...

Shadow "whispers": Ok, But wait for my signal.

Robotnik: Y'know, Shadow, I can't help but notice your... shoes.

Shadow: Quite Fast if you ask me.

Robotnik: Hmmm... Something different about you... Let me pull up some footage, *He finds out the truth of what happened to Shadow, Causing Shadow To Snap his fingers, Then I Force choked Robotnik*

Me: Sorry to break it to you, "Kintobor." but we are on schedule, So Eggman, Explain to him what you did.

(Boom) Eggman: While I Got these guys in to continue our mission, We needed another diversion, So I struck a deal with the two tailed son of a helicopter, He sent help, Or was help, I had an encounter With Joshua The Mii, The Most Powerful Son of A Gun Himself, He Came in sneaking past guards and made his way to Sonic, Curing Him, He brought him back to the original Sonic and fused with him, Now with Sonic healed, Your Shadow might have ended getting pounded. *With Sonic, Eggman was right, Showing LMOR Shadow With A Bunch Of Dislocated Body Parts* Joshua?

*I just finished Force-choking him, Silver than fused with this dimension's Silver, Mii Dashed In*

Mii: How was i on the timing?

Me: Wonderful, Listen i need you to get the prisoners out before the whole place blows, Get them Into soldier outfits.

Mii: Yes Sir.

*Mii ran off and Based the Control panel for all of the cell locks, Releasing all the Prisoners, Some of them even beat up some of robotnik's bots, Once all bots have been destroyed, Mii Led them out with a portal before the place blows, We Were just about to get out, But LMOR Shadow blocked our path despite how he is standing*

(LMOR) Shadow: I can't let you leave.

*Eggman checked the Self destruction timer, Sees it has 2 minutes and 56 Seconds*

Shadow: Joshua and I Will deal with him, Eggman, you and Silver get those who are stuck out of here.

Eggman: Got it. *Silver and Eggman went to work*

Shadow: For Taylor?

Me: Yeah, For Maria?

Shadow: Yeah... We just gotta end this alternative "me."

Me: After you.

*Shadow made the first move keeping LMOR Shadow's Hands at Bay, And Twists them hard*


*I took this time to turn into my metal form while burning and Finished him with a Critical Shot To The Chest, He Collapsed*

Eggman: We got everyone Out of This Place, Let's Go!

Me: Got it. Shadow, Go! I'm Right behind you!

*Shadow dashes out, and I Use my Lightning Powers to Dash out, Somehow i ended up beside Shadow*

Shadow: Show off!

Me: *Chuckles* Let's Get out of here!

Sonic: Hey Guys, Room for one more?

Me: Of Course, Glad to see you are okay.

*Everyone got out before the place blew up*

*40 Minutes Later, Sonic Returned to the headquarters, For real he was gonna miss his family, but he would keep in touch, But there was a surprise*

Me: Sonic, There was something i wanted to show you.

*We walk to through one of the halls to see everyone of his family, and the house here in the Headquarters, Sonic was Shocked*

Sonic: WHAT??? Oh My God! How? Why?

Me: I knew how much you wanted to see your family again and stay at this house but I did know how much your job means to you I moved your home to where your job is, of course everyone in your family decided to move in too.

*Sonic clings onto me*

Sonic: Thank You! X 3

*I Hugged him back*

Me: You're welcome.

Sonic: This really means a-lot... I might feel bad for lincoln too... say I wonder what's going on between him and his family, right now...


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