Louis giggled as Harry's cheeks turned to a faint pink from laughing. He would never have expected to find Louis so funny; he was hilarious.
Every witty thing that came out of Louis' mouth amused him. How was it possible for his personality to be even better than his appearance. Was he even real?

Harry picked up a small pebble and tossed it at Louis. He watched as it bounced off his shoulder to then hit the ground. Louis' eyes darted to his shoulder before up at Harry, then back to his shoulder.

"Did you just throw a rock at me?"

"That was a pebble." Harry said.

Louis, too, then bent down to the ground and picked up a rock. He threw it - only his rock came with a little more force and decked Harry in the chest.

"Ow." Harry flinched. Immediately placing his hand over the injured area.

Louis rolled his eyes. "Oh, that did not hurt."

"It did, you didn't have to throw it that hard." Harry exclaimed. "I only tossed mine."

"Harry you practically chugged a big ass rock at me. I almost fell over!"

Harry stared with a blank face, still holding his chest.

Louis laughed. "Awe, i'm sorry Harry." He cooed walking over to embrace him.

Harry jumped back. "Woah woah, keep your distance."

And Louis also stepped back, offended.

"No touching remember?" Harry couldn't believe what had just left his mouth. Did he just turn down an opportunity to be in Louis' arms?

"It would be easier this way. You were distracted!" Louis smirked. "You know you want me to touch you."

What the fuck. Harry wanted to scream. He wanted to choke and grasp for air as he slid down to the ground, passing away.

"Pfft," Came from Harry's lips. That was all. No words, simply the only noise he could manage to make as he tried to keep his composure. He prayed his jeans didn't get tighter.

"No?" Louis seemed surprised. He was such a narcissist, he probably knew Harry was about to lie like hell. He enjoyed it - he was such a little shit and he enjoyed it. But deep down he wanted to hear it. He stepped towards Harry. "Ouch." Louis acted as if he were hurt.

"No, no." Harry warned as his voice slightly cracked and he stepped back.

"Come onnn, the pain might not even be as bad this time." Louis groaned.

Only Harry wasn't even worried about any tattoos. He wasn't running from fear of the pain, no he was stepping back because he knew he wouldn't be able to handle Louis so close to him. He couldn't bear the thought of getting hard in front of Louis just from how he was speaking to him.

God, surely Harry was better than that.

"Do you have a pain kink or something?"

"Wanna find out?" Louis stopped.

Harry groaned. "You're killing me." He croaked.

Louis gloated. "If you'd stop blushing, I would stop."

"M'not blushing."

Louis laughed. "Harry."

Louis reached down and picked up a rock causing Harry to scream and Louis to laugh more.

"Stop it!" Harry exclaimed wanting to run.

"No, if you don't admit you were blushing I'm going to throw this at you." Louis said, passing the rock from hand to hand.

"No you won't."

"Harry, don't test me. I will." He raised his hand.

He screamed. "I was blushing." Harry squeaked and squeezed his eyes shut before reopening them.

Louis threw the rock nonetheless. It thumped against Harry's arm causing him to yelp in pain once again.

Louis laughed and laughed. He found Harry to be the most intriguing person he's ever met. He was so different and amusing; he captivated Louis. He lived so differently from others. He appreciated the good things in life that were worth living for. He knew how Harry looked at him. He made Louis feel like he was someone. He had one admirer and god did he never want to stop having Harry see him as if he were something special.

Harry sighed and smiled. "I would wish for these moments every night."

Louis hummed. "How so?"

Harry paced and spun once to face Louis once again. "Being with you. Having you as my friend, hanging out with you as friends." He looked at the stars - wanting to remember how they looked this exact night.


Louis payed attention.

"You're so great, so open. I wish I was like you."

Louis smiled. "What's stopping you?"

Harry looked at him. Everything, he wanted to yell out. Everyone. He was afraid. Afraid of what they would think of him. He's heard the worst from the people who were supposed to love him the most when he had taken a chance and been brave. Now how he wished to take it all back. How he wished he would have kept silent.

"I can't."

"You can," Louis pushed. "Harry, you control your own life. Don't let others keep you from living it how you want to."

"I'm scared." Harry said silently in response.

"Scared of what? Their judgement? Harry," Louis chuckled. "They are going to judge you no matter what you do."

Harry's already heard that. He knew that but he couldn't help it. He wasn't sure why he cared so much for other's opinions but he did.

Louis looked down the road as if in deep thought. He looked at Harry. "Race me."

"No, you're going to win." Harry said.

"Yeah, I know I will."

Harry broke into a smile. "Fine."

Louis walked up to Harry until he was only inches away. He was so beautiful - so angelic. He smiled at Harry making him flush into the deepest of pinks. Before Harry could catch his breath, Louis dipped his finger gently into Harry's cheek. He gently poked  Harry's dimple and felt the softness of Harry's skin causing the younger boy to gasp.

"Now run." Louis said then dropped his hand.


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