CH 10: The Hidden Drawing

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I was sleeping on my desk. Too exhausted for school due to the late prom night. I fell asleep on my sketchbook. I drew my slow dance and kiss moments with (y/n). I wanna show her after school.

Today is the last day I'll see her. She would fly to London this evening, a few hours after we finished school. That means I only have about three hours left to spend with her. I wish I can just skip today's school so I can spend the whole day with her.

"Mr Kurtzberg! Wake up! Are you drawing in my class again? I told you these artistic endeavours are clearly why you are failing science," Miss Mendeleiev yelled into my ears. I didn't care though, it's pretty normal day by day.

"I'm sorry," I apologised.

"Go to the principal office now!" she commanded.

"Miss, we had our prom last night. Please understand how exhausted we are," Marinette said while glancing at me.

"Fine. You go wash your face and come back. Don't go anywhere else!" Miss Mendeleiev gave us some leeway.

I nodded and closed my books, walking to the washroom with my sleepy face.

I came back a few minutes later.

"Thanks, Marinette," I whispered before I went back to my seat.

"It was nothing," she answered.

"So, who is going to answer my question just now? Mr Kurtzberg?"

Seriously, Miss? Why did she keep attacking me?


Thank goodness, the lunchtime bell rang before I was getting embarrassed again for not knowing the answer.

"Good for you, it's lunchtime. I'll pass you a test tomorrow about particle physics," Miss Mendeleiev said before she left the class.

"Oh, no. Not another test," I sighed, accidentally bumped my head on the desk.

"Hey, are you okay?" Marinette approached.

"Yes but no," I still lied my head on the desk, wanting to continue the nap.

Forget lunch, I just want some sleep!

"How was last night?" she smirked.

"A delicate daydream," I simply answered while grinning without I even realised.

"Well, you don't have to tell me the rest because I already know what happened," she said.

"Wait, what? How?" I quickly lifted my head from the desk, startled.

"Sorry to break it to you, we all were hiding and taking photos of you two," Marinette casually said.

She passes me a piece of polaroid, it was the picture of our first kiss!

I didn't know if I should be mad or laugh about it.

"Uh, thanks, I guess?" I awkwardly said.

"You're welcome! So, what will you give her before she leaves?" she asked.

"I don't want her to leave," I sighed.

"We all don't want her to leave. She's the best! She's kind, adorable, and smart!" Marinette praised her.

"I know. But we just had our first kiss last night and today she's gonna leave," I said.

"Actually, that wasn't your first kiss. Your first kiss was when you two were akumatised as the Dark Masterpiece," Marinette said.

"What? How did you know?" I was shocked again.

"I... was walking by! Yes, walking by the Champ De Mars," Marinette giggled awkwardly.

The Hidden Drawing - Nathaniel Kurtzberg X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now