CH 2: London Girl

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"Nate, are you okay?" Marc saw my weird facial expression.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine," I giggled awkwardly to cover my actual mixed up emotions.

"I'm sorry, I have to go. I forgot that I have to help my mother with chores. See ya!" I must get out of the situation before I lost control.

"Wait! I have to tell you something. I'll be in Ireland next week for the Irish Writing Competition. My parents encouraged me to join, so I won't be around for about a week," Marc said.

"What about our comic?" I asked.

"You can draw your own ideas and tell me about it later to finish the script dialogues," Marc suggested.

I smiled and nodded before I went home with joy for Marc, and confused at the same time. 

Once I got into my bedroom, I sat on the bed and looked into the book again. I looked for the owner's name, but there was nothing.

Wait, so my sketchings were in my book. Did we accidentally switched our book when we fell to the ground? Oh, no. All of my embarrassing sketches!

Thankfully, I didn't draw her in that book since we didn't realise we switched them. No wonder the book she was holding was pretty similar to mine! I searched for the notebook's brand. Yup, it was the same as mine. Even it has the same glittery green cover too.

My heart was wondering if I should explore the book even further or not. What if something was embarrassing or private stuff was written in the book? I couldn't just look into people's stuff without their permission.

I couldn't do this, I must find that girl and return her book. It was her privacy and I had no right to look into it. But, the only problem was... where can I find the girl? I didn't even know her name!

I started panicking, who should I tell my problem to? Alix would make fun of me and Marc was busy with his competition. And I didn't want to interrupt both of them just for this.

My mind began to wander. What should I do?

Marinette! She was the only one that came to my mind. I immediately grabbed my phone to text her.

"Hey, Marinette. I have something to talk about. Would you mind meeting me at the Louvre?"

"Oh, hi, Nath. I'm on my way to see the Kitty Section. Luka has something to tell us. Maybe you can join us here," 

Marinette had some work to do with the Kitty Section. So, I decided to join her on Anarka's Liberty boat. Maybe I could release my stress of thinking about that girl. 

It was my first time joining them. Not gonna lie, I was pretty nervous even though they are all my classmates, except for Luka obviously.

Marinette stopped at my house so that we could walk together since I didn't know the direction that well. Not enough with that, she brought me macaroons too!

"What is that thing you wanna tell me?" she asked.

I was still being indecisive. Should I trust her?

"I... actually feel bored. Marc and Alix are busy," I lied.

"Aren't you always spending your time at the Louvre alone?" she asked again.

"Uhh... yes. But, I wanna try something different, you know," I scratched my head.

Marinette just nodded and showed me the direction to Anarka's boat. I saw my friends were sitting on the stage, they were probably waiting for Luka's announcement.

The Hidden Drawing - Nathaniel Kurtzberg X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora