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Today would have been Wilhelms first school day back at Hillerska. How would everything be if he did go back? The prince tried to not think to much about it while getting ready for meeting his private teacher. Actually he was quite okay with being homeschooled now, He only wanted to go back for Simon. But after those last messages Wilhelm told his mom that he agreed with the idea.

The young prince went down for breakfast, he wasn't hungry. It felt like his stomach was filled with heavy emotions, every emotion he didn't want to feel. Pain, regret, Sadness, he wasn't able to move on from Simon. Wilhelm didn't think he would ever be ready for that.

At the breakfast table his mom and Wilhelm just ate in silence, as always after the incident. He couldn't really tell if his mom was mad because of the video or the fact it was a boy, he hoped it was the first option. The queen broke the silence: 'Wilhelm please try your best with your teacher, I know this isn't easy for you but I'm sure you can do it. Now if you don't go back to Hillerska I don't think it is necessary for you to date Mariah as long as you're not seen with someone else'.

Wow, the first good news in a few days: 'Ok thank you, mother.', Wilhelm was very happy but he didn't want to sound to enthusiastic. It still wasn't fair what they had done to him but at least it was over now.

The first day with the teacher went well, Wille found it a bit boring but on the other side he was happy he didn't have to face everyone at school. Especially one boy, actually two. He was so mad at August Wilhelm didn't know how he would've reacted. And he couldn't afford making another mistake.

When we was done the prince went to his room. Felice texted him, she was one of the only ones he would actually miss.

F: Hi Wilhelm, I didn't see you at school today, the teachers didn't want to say anything. I hope you're doing alright!
I thought that maybe you wanted to see this video, you couldn't miss it so I just recorded it for you :) xx Felice

Wilhelm was happy with the Message and he quickly opened the video, he was curious.

Wow, he started crying. What he just saw hurted him more than he wanted.
It was a video of Simon singing the school song, that song he tried to teach him on the piano. It was hard to look at Simon's pretty face and those perfect lips while he sang with his angelic voice.
But he also loved the video, he played it over and over, the entire evening.

W: thank you for texting me Felice! I'm not coming back to school this year, and next year I'll be attending another school. My mom thinks it's for the best, the teachers where told to say nothing and let it be. I miss you by the way :) Also thank you for the video, it's beautiful.

F: Omg Wilhelm, I will miss you too, but have you told Simon? He looked very sad and absent today.

W: No I didn't, I don't think he wants to see me anyway.

F: oh I am sorry, please text me a lot! I will update you about the gossip :)

W: Haha, thank you Felice!

The prince was so lucky to still have Felice, she never treated Wilhelm different after the video. A real friend.

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