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S: I got your card, thank you. I wish you all the best.

Wilhelm opened his phone the morning of Christmas Eve and this was the first thing he saw. The prince was happy Simon had recieved his card but he didn't really get why Simon had used the sentence ' I wish you all the best', it wasn't really like him. Then he suddenly heard a noise. Malin was knocking on his door: 'I have got a gift with me for the crown Prince. One of the guards handed it to me'. Wilhelm was confused: 'Thank you, can you just leave it at the door please?' Malin placed the gift in front of his door 'of course Crown Prince.' Wille quickly got out of bed, he wasn't very exited for today, but he was for the present in front of his door.

He openend the door and saw a cute Christmas themed gift bag. No one had ever given him such a cute gift. They where always wrapped to royal standards, bullshitW Wilhelm was exited to open it. Who would give him such a gift? It could be Felice? He couldn't guess so he just opened it. 'I wish you all the best'. Everything started making sense now, it was from Simon! Wilhelm was so happy he couldn't do anything but smile. Simon had thought of him too.

He had read a few pages before he had to go for breakfast. He loved the book, Simon had told him once that he really was fan of the story. Now he could read it and think of Simon.
But his happiness went by quickly when his dear mother knocked on his door: 'Wilhelm, son. Mariah is joining us for breakfast, be down in 5 minutes!' Oh of course, how could he forget, the entire Christmas Eve thing was still happening. It felt unfair to Wilhelm, why couldn't Simon be his date, the night might've been actually fun then. The prince really didn't want to make things more complicated, what if Simon saw Wilhelm with Mariah? What the hell would he think of the Prince? Wilhelm was disgusted with himself.

Downstairs he noticed a lot of journalists and cameras, his mom didn't warn him for this. 'Goodmorning Wilhelm', Mariah said while walking up to him.
'What are we supposed to do?', the price asked confused. The queen quickly interrupted: 'The journalists are gonna be taking some pictures of you two, just to have some material, and you'll have to do some interviews. Don't forget: you're dating!' Wilhelm wanted to let out a groan of disdain, but this really didn't feel like the right time to be causing a scene. 'Okay' he just sighed, his expression full of anger.

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