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Sorry for not updating I start school soon and Its been hard

No one POV

"Why are you watching me" Jay said
Jungwon froze didn't know what to say until an idea came to mind.
"Ah I haven't I was just looking for a quiet place to study." Jungwon said pushing Jay lightly to make him let go of his hand.
"Whatever" Jay said walking away

What a jerk Jungwon whispered to himself. School was finally over and Jungwon was so excited to go home as he walked out the front doors he saw mr. K waiting for him by the car.

"You know you don't have to pick me up too right" Jungwon said walking toward him
"Mr. Park told me to take you too and from school so I kinda have too sir" mr.k said opening the door with a smile
"Eh sir don't call me that just call me Jungwon"
He said getting in.

Jungwon got home and saw his aunt cooking food for them.

"What are you doing why didn't you wait till I got home" he said pulling his aunt putting her on the chair
"Jungwon just cause I injured my leg doesn't mean I can't do anything" she said rolling her eyes
"I know but still be careful" he said placing the food on the plate

"Yea yea whatever, how was school" his aunt said
"It was ok" he said eating
"Well did you see the music room yet" she said smiling
"Ah no I forgot maybe tmr" he said smiling.

as they where sitting at the table Jungwon phone buzzed
"Hey it's Sunoo are you still coming to the party tonight"
Jungwon looked up at his aunt.
"Hey umm Auntie..can I go to a party tonight" Jungwon said giving her a smile
His aunt looked up at him and gave him a glare.
"I will let you go one 2 things 1) you don't the dishes. 2) be home by midnight" his aunt said
"Ok thanks aunt" Jungwon said

As Jungwon was in his room he looked at his clothes wondering what to wear after a few minutes he just puts on a black sweatshirt and jeans.
He said goodbye to his aunt and walked out Jungwon didn't want to call mr. K and intrude on his personal time asking for a ride so he decided to take the bus there. As he looked at the address sunoo sent he heard someone following him but when he turned there was no one. He shrugged and walked to the bus. As the bus dropped him off he realized he had to walk about 5 min up a hill as he walked he just was on his phone. As he looked up he saw a boy smoking as he got closer he notice it was Jay he was shocked but didn't say nothing and just walked passed him. Jungwon finally made it to the door and knocked Sunoo opens and sees Jungwon

"Jungwon! You came" he said grabbing him and pulling him in
"Yea" Jungwon said smiling

The whole time sunoo was introducing Jungwon to new people they all thought he was cute all Jungwon said was thank you with a smile he then sees Jay walk him and goes toward his friends

"Hey Sunoo I'm gonna go get a drink" he said walking away
"Alright" Sunoo said smiling

Jungwon POV
I walked toward the drinks and got some punch that was in a glass bowl I took a sip and then I heard
"You know that has alcohol in it right" someone said
I immediately spited it back into my cut
I turn around to see not only but Jay
Uhh thanks! All I could say
"For what" he said
I don't drink that stuff I said mc
"I could tell" he said back smirking
I didn't know what to say so I just grabbed a water and walked away.
"Jungwon" Heesung said
Oh hi Heesung I said smiling
"You made it would you like me to give you a tour"
He said smiling
Oh sure that will be nice I said

We walked around his house was huge I kept thinking. We walked into one room when I saw a beautiful piano
You have a piano I said to him
"Yea do you play?" He said walking towards it
Well a little I said
"Would you like to play" he said
Here there's to many people I can't
I said nervously
"Sure you can.. hey everyone come in here Jungwon gonna play something" he said
As soon as he said that the room filled up I sat on the piano and started playing

"He's good"
"Wow that's so beautiful"
"I wonder where he studied"
I heard everyone saying

I will try and update again soon!
            I hope everyone liked this chapter

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