His stare

53 7 0

"What are you doing".... Jay said grabbing his hand.
"Uh-h nothing I'm sorry" Jungwon said nervously

Jay squeezed Jungwon wrist. Jungwon was trying his best to pull away.

"I never seen you before" Jay said standing up letting go of Jungwon wrist
"Uh Um I'm new and class ended and We where the only ones left and I saw you sleeping and I decided to wake you up" Jungwon said nervously smiling
"Sense your new I will let it go but don't touch me again or speak to me" Jay said walking away.

Jungwon stood there stunned he didn't know what to say he was kinda annoyed with the boy attitude so he scoffed a little and walked back to grab his stuff.
He went to look at the time and notice it was 7:25 he had 5 min to get to his class.
He rushed through the hallways trying to find his class he found it and he notice Jay was already there he was thinking to himself how he could get here so fast.

He sat in the back where there was an empty seat and took out his notebook. When the teacher came in he started to write on the bored.

"Today I have to meet with a student parent so you will have this hour open" he said walking out.

As soon as he said that everyone just grabbed out their phones and played games/text.

Jay was laying his head on the desk until his friend Sunghoon turned around and told him that they have an open hour. Jay got up and took out his phone.

"Dude so are you coming tonight?" Sunghoon said to Jay
"Idk I will have to see" Jay said
"See about what?" Jake said turning around
"Tonight Heesung is throwing a party and you know his parties are always the best" Sunghoon said

'Heesung? Isn't that Sunoo friend' Jungwon thought over hearing their conversation.

The rest of the hour Jay, Jake, and Sunghoon where just on their phones. Jungwon was catching up on work from his last class.

*Ring 9:00

It was finally time for lunch Jungwon got up and walked towards the lunch room he got his lunch and was looking around where to sit when he saw a boy waving towards him.

"Jungwon! Over here" Sunoo said waving him over
"Hi" Jungwon said sitting down at their table
"Oh Sunoo this is Heesung,
Heesung this is Jungwon" Sunoo said sitting down

"Hello nice to meet you I'm Heesung" He said
"Hello I'm Jungwon" He said
"Heesung is really popular due to the awesome parties he throws" Sunoo said
"Yea I'm throwing one tonight Jungwon you should totally come!" Heesung said
"Oh I will have to ask but ok thanks" Jungwon said
"If you can go we can got together I will pick you up" Sunoo said
"No!? Uh I will meet you there" Jungwon said
"Well ok" Sunoo said

Time skips....

Jungwon was excited because he has a free period for his last class he was excited to leave and go tell his aunt about everything but he remembered why he's really there he's not supposed to leave school before Jay. He pulled out Jay schedule and looked at his last class it was a tutor section he had Jungwon didn't know how he was gonna see anything when it's a private section but he mange to see through the window he looked in it and see Jay with his tutor Jay was doing his work and listening to her he was watching and smiling until Jay saw him and he didn't know what to do.

'Omg he saw me what do I do' he thought ducking
'Maybe if I just act normal and walk way'

As when he's about to walk away someone grabbed him and put him against the wall

"J-Jay" Jungwon said
"Why are you watching me"... Jay said

Another cliffhanger oops❤︎

         It's 3am sorry and I'm kinda tired.

Hope you liked this chapter ♡'・ᴗ・'♡

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