First day

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No one POV:
"So Jungwon huh, your filling in for you aunt" Mr park said.
"Yes sir" Jungwon said nervously.
"Your seem so young how old are you" Mr. Park said
"I'm 17 sir" Jungwon said
"17 ahh Jungwon how would you like another job" Mr park said

Jungwon looked up and said "what do you mean another job sir?"

"I want you to keep an eye on my son and I will pay you and I will help your aunt with everything she needs, I will also send you to a very expensive private school it will look amazing for college! All you have to do is keep an eye on him and make sure he's not seeing anyone." Mr. Park said.

"Why can't he see no one?" Jungwon said curiously.

Mr. Park got up and walked and stared out the window "he's supposed to be getting in arrange marriage soon she's a sweet girl and our family has had business together for along time but I have a feeling if they find out Jay is seeing someone behind her back my partner deal will go down with them so that's why I need you to watch him."

Jungwon got up from his seat "I will have to think about it" he said as he said goodbye and walked out his office.

1 hour later:

"Jungwon it's a good deal look at this school it's amazing and you can get in a amazing college and look at this piano room you love the piano" his aunt said excited
"I know but it just feel wrong spying on someone" Jungwon said sitting down with a glass of water.
"I know but it's totally up too you if you want to do this... but think about it at least"Jungwon aunt said.
"Ok" Jungwon said heading in his room.

It's about 3am and Jungwon can't stop thinking of Mr. park deal he doesn't know if he should do it or not but he did think about how good the school would be and how he could get in an amazing college and the piano room was huge over there and Jungwon loved the piano he, his mom and dad use to play it all the time. His parents always wanted him to follow his dream and get in a good college thinking about his parents made him cry a little but he knows they would want him to be strong.

The next day:

"I'll do it" Jungwon said walking into Mr. Park office

"Ahh that's amazing!!" Mr Park said.

"Just sign here and here" Mr park said
"What is it?" Jungwon said
"It's just an agreement that you can't tell anyone and how you can't especially tell Jay" Mr. park said handing Jungwon a pen.

Jungwon signed the paper

"Here's your uniform I already had it ready.
And you need to report to me every 2 weeks about Jay got it" Mr park said handing Jungwon the uniform.

"Got it" Jungwon said with a nervous smile.

"Good you will start tmr I will have a car pick you up at your home and drive you to school" mr. Park said

"Ok" Jungwon said leavening out the door.

I hope you liked the first chapter( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

Also don't worry Jay and Jungwon will meet in the next chapter!!

My task.  Jaywon Where stories live. Discover now