The Subterranean Grotto

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In the Siberian wastelands where nothing can be laid to grow, legend has it that multiple beings have been in existence to protect a certain stone tablet that contains the origins of ancient evil that has been in existence since time immemorial. The cultists as they are referred to learn and manage to engage in various means to secure the small village as a safe haven for their cause and the future of their mission into preserving the location as protests and opposition would most likely over throw them. Several people wanted to protest but were quelled by the district and council which were indebted to some of the cultists, allowing them to continue and keep the faith. Surprisingly, most of them were women who were dead set and dedicated to the cause they were told to preserve until their dying breath with them needing to do whatever it took.

An old man who lived in the region heard rumours that were proven to be true by the events that followed details even more the fact that these women were the descendants of the women who once worshipped an extremely powerful and evil entity that cursed a medieval town and the townsfolk with blackness that came from everywhere in the form of nightmares, sickness, vision, perspective and legacy. Their town drowned in eternal blackness and the other rumour was that they vanished when the evil entity was purged and vanished by taking a big chunk of the town into the oblivion or what some people call hell. It wasn't big news because it happened alongside a few more catastrophic events that took place to derail everyone and pull them away from noticing what happened except a few who documented which was only at least at the time around three out of the seven witnesses that really saw how it unfolded before their eyes, the unholy sight of distraught and violent ripping of reality from reality itself tearing the void open while getting sucked in the gaping hole they all refer to as the black depths.

There were grotesque events that occurred besides the catastrophic ones that took apart the townspeople and kept them busy, from fires starting out of nowhere, to floods, and crops dying, which are the milder ones. Some townsfolk mentioned voices and whispers creeping through the place where the "Violent Vanishing" occurred that haunts most of the townspeople leaving some of them dreaming odd things that they shouldn't be a part of their reality anymore. When some of them recalled the events that occurred in their dream, some of them vomit, or even lose coherence of thought and forget how their day went when they detailed their nightmare as if it took a part of their life with it. Nightmares being described involved people losing their minds in the blink of an eye, dark entities and clones of the ancient evil coming out of people's mouths, eyes, and butts forcibly taking the land they have and tainting it once more. Like taking back what was once belonging to it, the hell portal was activated when this entity would use the people of the town as gateways and portals by taking the purest forms of it's inhabitants and making them a bigger part of the rituals they took part in.

Even until five decades since the entity's malevolent disappearance, people still haven't been sleeping well, waking at the witching hour only to be taken aback by the surreal dream that has been plaguing them. After a few generations, there are a few people who want to explain the events that followed after they performed rituals of cleansing for the longest time almost every day pushing for the tradition of cleansing to be continued after generations just so the next generation can live in peace and tranquillity. The village elders would preside over the cleansing and recite the incantations daily it got to the point of decree and a natural thing for them to do. They all know the words by heart they couldn't contain themselves that even in their sleep they would recite these words alerting their subconscious that there is no rest for the wicked. Their pious plight and stable stand for their fight against the evil force that corrupted them was intensely strong that nothing would stand in the way of their incantations. Some of them who would miss the incantation session and the ritual would recite it with the sincerest of intentions where they were that they couldn't be disturbed even at their jobs and they were granted time to do so as long as they would continue working. It was beyond anything visitors and tourists have experienced and some tourists learned to be even more respectful, some would always find ways to be disrespectful and end up suffering the consequences.

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