Rip - The Darkest Speed

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Speed tends to be an over exaggerated expression of letters that come together to overtake anyone who takes their time. The single valuable currency mankind forgets they have is time, where time goes timelines are not complete without it, and your real enemy is your wasteful self as you try to debate, over think and procrastinate in the hopes the time you have can be taken back when you know for a fact that isn't true.

I've seen this world crumble to pieces time and time again and let me tell you, there's nothing radiant and bright about seeing the lights get taken out as you gaze from afar hoping light still wins when darkness eats it all up. And when that final ray of luminescence is snuffed out, you're going to wish you didn't waste your time so romantically seeing a way to kill time when you should live with the time you have.

I know, I know, people come to their senses too late and they make the most out of what they can since we're all not programmed the same way, but why are the most successful people achieve so much with the little time they have? We have the famed philanthropist and multi billionaire Uri Navikop who took his own life because he made a vow and a promise to everyone around him that when he reaches the age of thirty five, he will commit suicide whether or not he gets to live his dreams and just to show the world, that you need to set a deadline for these things or complacency will devour you day by day, hour after hour, minute after minute until you can barely notice time slipped thru your hands and you're still living a lie by working your shitty job as you keep putting away for tomorrow the time you take a leap of faith.

You know what they say when you hear them blabber that it's never too late? I disagree. It's not too late until it is, that's what I believe after spending aeons seeing all this madness unravel and unfold before me. It's like a sinister poem that lingers on until you're lost in it's letters looking back to see if you misread something, and then just like that, you sleep your life away as if you have nothing better to do with your time. The talents you have, the life you live and lead, the people who are counting on you, I know they aren't begging you to keep working but I know for a fact that they wish you'd do better which is something you should aspire to do.

People call me the time thief as if they weren't wasting enough time already on the technology they want to advance further as they keep trying to rush home just to procrastinate. It's best you're stuck in traffic while learning and working on your dreams until you get home instead of rushing just to end up wasting it all once more. There is a fracture in time the more we exploit it and the better version of our selves are wasted away into the void of the unknown as we try to locate ourselves in the procrastination we've gotten lost in.

Time they say is a structured setting, where the ones who are plagued are usually the ones who forget all about the time they should spend according to their dreams as they maintain a sense of focus in the direction their path is leading towards. There are many paths and ways for all of us but one critical factor that separates those who eventually utilize and maximize their time even if they regret that they didn't do enough. There will always be excuses people put in front of them to compensate for the mediocrity they would rather choose over the excellence that is themselves and regret it when they realize later what they could have been.

It's a rather vindictive statement that won't be noticed until the last remnants of your life call out to you but you know they won't and so I ask you, what are you waiting for? A sense of something that will ignite a flame in you to take action and make a stampede of the same individuals who echo change march with you in your just cause for significance? There's more to you but you refuse to get up and get it, you'd rather put the mask of excuses just to ensure you have a sense of security falsely hung over your wall of decorative inclination and yet you are more than what you really seem.

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