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17 Years ago: 

Amelia, Caroline and Bekah had were happily at her house gossiping as always. For days Amelia had been throwing up and to be honest she was scared. Caroline, being Caroline decided to buy a pregnancy test for Amelia.

And currently that is what they are doing, waiting for the 3 minutes to end on the timer. 

"I can't do it care-bear what if it is positive what will Nik think i-i don't know what to do with a baby we're about to go to college for god sake!" Amelia Rambled " I mean Bex what will Not do you know how paranoid he get's its going to be a disaster I already know'

"Calm down Lia is going to be okay, alright you have this major support system okay there's nothing to worry about" Caroline hugged her sister " I'll be there for you no matter what okay".

Hesitantly she flipped over the test and the word 'Pregnant' appeared on the digital screen.

"Bloody Hell!" Rebekah exlaimed "Omg care we're going to be aunties om-mg I-i they're going to be the cutest babies I have ever seen I mean just look at you Lia! you are stunning.'

They all sobbed tears off happiness clinging on to each other "You're gonna be the best Mommy Lia I just know it' Caroline said.

" I need to tell Nik" Said Lia.

She quickly grabbed her keys and the three girls got into the car and went to the Mikaelson Mansion. They quickly rushed in but they heard moans. Amelia felt her heartbeat increase and worry began to set in. They made their way to Nik and Amelia's bedroom and their hearts dropped. Klaus and Hayley sleeping together.

"Oh my god" she whispered " Nik?" she questioned.

Nik's eyes met Amelias and he continued to have sex with Hayley. And the smirk Hayley had on her face said it all. 

"Niklaus what the hell are you doing" Rebekah exclaimed 

Rebekah and Care quickly grabbed Amelia and sped to the boarding house and burst through the doors. Amelia was shaking and tears flowed down her face.

"Hey Lia-Lou how's my-" Damon said before seeing the state of his best friend. His heart ached for her " Lia what's wrong" he took her into his arms and she clung to him like he was her life support.

"I-tt w--was Klaus he cheated on me with Hayley" Amelia stuttered while the tears continued to flow.

"That's it I'm gonna Kill him" Damon shouted walking to the door"That stupid ugly mutt never deserved you in the first place Lia-Lou!".

"No Damon please I need you" Amelia whispered 

Caroline and Rebekah had already left to shout at Niklaus and get Amelia's belongings from the mansion.

And so Amelia sat on Damons lap as she sobbed and he held her tightly promising to never let her go.

All roads lead to him [SLOW UPDATES]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin