Chapter 7

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Della awoke to the sun in her eyes. It had to be late morning with how brightly it shone through her presumably locked window.

She'd cried herself to sleep last night and was still in her dress from yesterday. It was filthy between her nervous sweating and her fall/ push from Lorcan the dress looked almost as bad as she felt. That combined with her tangled hair and puffy eyes Della looked like a nightmare.

She trudged into the adjoining bathroom to splash her face with some cold water.

She heard the main door swing open and soft footsteps approaching. Looking up Della saw the maid from last night smiling at her nervously in the bathroom doorway.

"I have brought you some fresh clothes your Highness."

Your highness.

The royal title was just as jarring as the one from last night.

"Thank you" Della added softly. Trying to hide her discomfort with the formality.

The maid continued on also trying to hide her own discomfort "Would you like me to bring your breakfast up now or would you like to bathe first?"

"Uhh ....I'd like fo bathe first....please"

While Della was starving she figured a bath and a fresh change of clothes might help calm her nerves a little. That and for someone else to see her in such disheveled shape would be embarrassing.

The maid nodded her understanding before leaving saying she would be back soon and would leave the food on the front table.

Della quickly started up a hot bath and while the tub filled she shucked off the green dress and finger combed out some of the larger tangles from her hair.

She the eased into the hot water. For some unknown reason she loved scorching water. And the teeny tiny feeling of almost being burned did wonders for her tight muscles. Submerging fully under the water Della attempted to come up some type of plan. What would be the best thing to say? Should she try to escape? Did she even need to escape?

She came up gasping for air. Still without a plan she scrubbed her hair and body furiously. Standing up she grabbed the nearby towel and stepped out of the tub. The door could be heard opening again and those familiar footsteps sounded.

Della wrapped in the towel around herself before she poked her head out of the bathroom.

"I have your breakfast here. Do you need help dressing?"

Della was grateful that the maid forgone the formal title this time.

"No thank you."

"Ok well if you need anything please do not hesitate" she said gesturing to the same gold cord from last night.

Della again only nodded as the maid exited yet again. Della made her way over to the small table in the corner of the room where her breakfast sat. Heaped onto plates was bacon and eggs and biscuits and fruits and crepes and sausages. She chuckled to herself, there was no way she could eat all this by herself. It seemed that they didn't know what to serve her so they gave her some of everything.

She decided on one of the biscuits to soothe her immediate hunger. As expected for a royal palace it was delicious.

She then quickly dressed in the silken blue dress laid out for her. The dress was by far the most expensive thing she'd ever worn it was a simple yet elegant dress that fit Della quite well. How they managed to find a dress that fit her so well on such short notice was beyond her but she was grateful all the same. Repeating the same hair style as yesterday with the half-up-half-down braided look she checked her self in the mirror. Her eyes were still a little red from yesterday's tears but she no longer looked completely awful.

With nothing left to do she sat back down at the table and began eating some of her breakfast. Savoring the flavors of each dish that had been prepared. She made sure to take small bites so that she wouldn't be caught with her mouth full which paid off as she heard fast footsteps approaching.

She chewed and swallowed quickly and then turned to face the opening door.

There again entering the room stood her father. He looked as tired as she did with dark circles and scowl that even Della had to admit looked familiar.

He looked at her for a very long moment. It was as if he was still trying to be sure that she was in fact his child.

"I can see your mother in you." He said by way of greeting "You look like me too but there's parts of you that look just like her."

Della nodded, unsure of what to say. Thankfully he cut through the charged silence.

"What is your second form?"

"A falcon."

"Ok let's go." He took long strides towards the window.

But Della couldn't move. Her whole body was tensed with fear. Where did they need to go?

Scenting her fear Rowan turned to her.

"Id like to speak to you privately. With so many guests here for the wedding I am not wholly confident that people won't over hear. So I'd like to fly out to somewhere with less ears."

Della nodded and slowly walked towards the window. What he said made sense. There really was no way to guarantee that someone wouldn't overhear them. But now she was afraid for a different reason.

She hated flying; truly hated it. If she flew low to the ground there were predators and branches to watch out for and flying above the trees was even more terrifying. But to say something to him would be perhaps the most humiliating thing of her entire life.

He eyed her warily before adding "I promise you that I mean you no harm."

She cringed guiltily at his words.

"I don't fly often" was all she said before shifting into her falcon form. He immediately shifted as well before flying out the massive window that apparently was not locked.

She followed after him trying to avoid looking down. Wind soon filled her wings and guided her up and up. She realized that this was not a natural breeze nor was it wind of her making.  Realizing that it was her fathers magic that carried struck deep in her heart.

He glided up next to her then the two settled into a comfortable pace between flapping their wings and allowing the wind to carry them. Della, against her better, judgement looked down at the world below. Orynth was a massive city beneath with the stunning blue river juxtaposed against the striking green forests surrounding the city. That is where guided Rowan her too, the nearby forest. She hoped that it would be like her home and that it might help her remain calm during this highly anticipated talk with her father.

1159 words

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