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-george pov-

i had dream type in the address for the party into my phone. apparently it was only seven minutes away from where dream lives.

i parked down the street from the house. as we walked up to the house i noticed that it was quite small. meaning it wouldn't be too crowed.

the closer we walked to the door the louder it got. once we walked through the doors my eyes widened. it was EXTREMELY crowded.

dream and i pushed through people as we walked to the kitchen. there were drunk and high people everywhere. the house reeked. in every room there was at least four couples making out.

surprisingly the kitchen wasn't as crowded as the rest of the house. i expected it to be the most crowded seeing the drinks were in here.

dream walked over to the counter and grabbed a red solo cup. he poured some tequila into the cup and immediately drank it.

he handed the cup towards my face and laughed. "do you want some too?"

"i'm driving, dream."

"you're no fun."

he continued to drink from the cup and pour more in. "okay, that's enough." i walked towards him and grabbed the cup from his hand.

"why are you taking it from me," he fake frowned.

"i'm the one who's going to have to take care of you. it's only fair."

"oh come on, i can take care of myself," he defended.

"are you sure about that? who's driving you home?" i laughed.

"uhh i can walk you know."

"shut up," i replied.

"just take a sip," he begged.

i didn't say anything. instead i walked up to him and acted like i was taking a sip. i put the cup up to my mouth but didn't drink it.

"there, happy now?" i laughed.

"yes, actually."

i looked around and noticed there was soda on the counter. i grabbed a solo cup and filled it with soda.
of course, dream refilled his drank as well before exiting the kitchen.

not even five minutes after leaving the kitchen dreams entire cup was empty. 'this is going to be a long night,' i thought to myself and laughed.

dream walked up in front of me and stopped. "i'm going to back to the kitchen to get another drink."

"no you're not. you've had enough."

"i'm fine."

"i'm going to go find the bathroom. stay here."

i walked in the opposite direction from where dream stood. i pushed through people and tried to find a hallway.

after minutes of pushing through people i finally found a hallway with four doors.

i opened the first door which was a closet. i walked down further and opened the second one. when i opened the door i saw a couple laying down on the bed making out.

"get the fuck out," the guy yelled.

i quickly shut the door and let out a deep breathe.

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