2 - The Guy Next Door

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• Chapter Two •
The Guy Next Door

📚= time skip

The weekend passed by rather quickly...I spent it grading and making lesson plans.

This Monday morning I woke up extra early, to start my coffee and make my toast with cream cheese.

I looked at the clock in my kitchen and it was 5:56am.

I put some calming music on, to see if I could finish up getting ready and not be impelled to cuddle into my bed just a little while longer.

I do some light makeup to make myself look awake and hide the bags that are the result of grading papers very late at night over the years.

I put on some jeans, an appropriate graphic t-shirt with a funny saying on it, I grab my most comfortable pair of shoes.

Then I grab my bag and my tumbler with more coffee in it and im out the door. I make sure to stuff all my lesson plans and pens into my bag before leaving.

I lock up my apartment and begin to walk down the hallway, when a familiar cute and shy guy walks past me. Giving me the up and down look, and smiling sweetly at me.

I've known him ever since I moved here, and he's been so helpful and kind.

The first day I moved in, he helped me lift all my boxes.

With no shirt, and just boxers.

I was shocked, but satisfied at the same time. Knowing all that was just across the hall from me, just a few steps away.

glad the guy next door is a hot musician instead of a creepy old man - I thought to myself, the day I met him.

I developed a small crush until I went to leave some cookies at his door and two tall supermodels came out, with a very naked Colin with only a kitchen towel dangling around his lower parts.

He waved at me awkwardly, and I left the cookies, in front of him trying hard not to look up to see what was in between his legs - I did conclude that he was definitely packing - I didn't even have to look fully.

"Aren't you the sweetest?"

"It's no trouble. Um, yeah, well I'm gonna go I got worksheets to grade."

"Well, let me grab a shirt and maybe I can help you out? I think I can handle some simple multiplication."

"Thank you, Colin. But I think I can handle it myse—"

By that time, he had already grabbed a shirt and some shorts and was closing the door to his apartment, leaving the cookies in his kitchen and giving me a soft look paired with an adorable smile.

How could I say no to that face?

So I accepted his offer, ignoring my schoolgirl crush on him since I only see him as a friend.

Or rather, that's what I tell myself...

Then as the days went by, he's causally swung by my place most nights with a 6 pack of beer, helping me grade narratives and 3rd grade multiplication.

"Good morning, 4C."

"Mornin, 4A, what's your day look like?"

"Work, and then back home to grade. How about you, Shea?"

I look at his attire, black jean jacket, dark jeans and a hungover/tired face.

"Sleep, sleep and more sleep." He jokes, jingling his van keys in his hand.

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