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Chanel POV

It's a beautiful day here in my hometown Atlanta GA born and raised here I was walking around my hometown just looking at the children playing and running around

Michael POV

I have an interview with Oprah tonight as we were doing this interview I had a vision of a beau woman she was very beautiful

Janet: oh my god do you know who that is

Michael: no but she's very beautiful

Janet: that's your soulmate they finally showed you your soulmate

Michael: oh my god that's wonderful

Janet: I know

Michael: when can I meet her

Janet: well I don't know ...She lives in Atlanta

Michael: it can be arranged

Janet: ok good luck

Michael: thanks

He was so happy that they showed him his soulmate now he wanted to meet her Michael showed Oprah around his home and came to the theater to finish up

Next Morning

Michael POV

I was so excited I saw my soulmate in my head she was really beautiful so I'm flying out to Atlanta

Chanel POV

Just got a letter in the mail that Michael was expecting to see me Ahh that's nice he's coming to Atlanta

Chanel locked her door and came into the city she was meeting up with her family today who she hasn't seen since they moved to New York City

She walked inside the restaurant and they all gave each other the biggest hug

Chanel just turned 30 in February it is now February 10th and her birthday was February 5th

It was a good laugh and joy to be with her family again they talked about the weather in NYC it wasn't like home

Two Hours Later

Chanel POV

Spent time with my family today was wonderful I was so happy to see everyone I came to the nail salon to get my nails done I know how to do my own nails but it's been awhile since I came to the salon by the way I'm mixed I'm half black and half white but On my birth certificate I'm black cause my mother is black plus I have Hawaiian blood in me

Chanel Birthday Was February 5th 1963 From Atlanta Georgia

A week has came by and Chanel has been in the house

Michael was leaving out of Los Angeles in two weeks so he was packing up to take some clothes with him he couldn't wait to meet his soul mate Janet made a copy so he can knew everything about her

Chanel Was Looking forward to meeting Michael she was always a fan of him when she was growing up she went to a lot of his concerts as a teenagers

Michael POV

I leave in two weeks to go see Chanel that was her name very beautiful I don't know how long I'm going to be in Atlanta but I knew it would be worth it ...Janet helped out a lot I can't believe I finally got to see my soul mate after all these years I was so happy

Michael turned his light off and went to sleep he was so excited to meet Chanel after so many of looking for his soulmate

Chanel was excited about meeting Michael as well she met him a long time ago at one of his concerts and now she found out that she was his soul mate her and Janet were close back then so it's been years since she saw Janet and the rest of the Jackson family

Chanel did get lonely in her home and wished to have someone there with her and wake up to as well ...Specially in your 30s but she knew her time will come


Chanel POV

I came to wash my face I just woke up and used the bathroom it's so lonely in this big house by myself but that's ok I love my own company but hoping to share it with someone I know my time is coming

Chanel dried her face and came to lay back down as the air filled up the whole house ...She lived on the country side of Atlanta she liked her privacy and it was important to her ...she loved her home very much she had it built family come there on the holidays and sometimes have thanksgiving there as well it was very special

It started to rain in Atlanta Chanel wasn't a heavy sleeper but she loved the sound of the rain it was always a beautiful sound she enjoyed listening to the rain when she was a little girl even now that she's 30

Michael was dreaming about Chanel being asleep he thought she was very beautiful when she slept like an angel who just came from the sky

A Few Days went by and it was almost time for Michael to go and see Chanel the excitement of it all was very real and he couldn't wait to see her

Chanel brother just got married in NYC she was so excited to see her big brother get married and have a sister in law she knew the marriage was worth it ...She's always been supportive to her siblings and now her older brother was married 36yrs old and his new wife Evelyn at 28yrs old

She wished them well and good luck on the marriage she didn't stay long and flew back out to Atlanta it has been a good day

Chanel POV

My big brother Chadrrick is finally married to the love of his life this is his first ever marriage he was engaged before but they never worked out but I'm so happy that he's married and found the one they were perfect together I wished them well and good-luck on the marriage now I'm flying back home to Atlanta my beloved hometown that I love and miss so much couldn't wait to get in my bed and go to sleep

Once she made it home she came straight to the  shower and into bed it's been a long day of celebrating her brother big day

Next chapter is coming

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