𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏

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Two long weeks had past. It had been hell dealing with the pest that followed Toby around; it was like a fly that just wouldn't leave regardless of any swatting away. The eighteen year old hated the beast- no matter where he went or what he did, it just wouldn't leave. This was the first time he properly had some time to himself, and he was back in the dining Hall. It was like a relapse of History; sat alone on a bench with a candle, book and plate in front of him. Once again, stirring his food with an exasperation.

The quiet sound of a plate being placed on the table could be heard, which caused Toby to look up to see none other than Jane. The girl gave him a somewhat awkward and small smile, hesitantly and quietly asking, “Can I sit here?”

The boy nodded, sighing silently, “Yes, you do normally.” He stated quietly, looking back down to his untouched food. Once again, a sigh left him, almost immediately. “I'm sorry for how I reacted the last time we spoke.. And I'm sorry about how I'm acting now.” Toby muttered.

The girl smiled faintly, quietly sitting down. “That's actually why I came here- to apologize and such. I'd forced you into doing this, and I'm probably the reason Jeff did what he did and I'm sorry about that. I would've apologized sooner but you're a hard person to find." She said with a small laugh.

“Well- uh- about what I said, it was uncalled for- not to Jeff, but it was uncalled for towards you, but, I do appreciate you apologizing, even though you don't need to.” He mumbled quietly, cracking a small smile, “You were just trying to help, Jane.” He added.

Jane's smile widened faintly, “I know, I know. But I should respect people's boundaries. You had every right to be upset with me.”

A snort left the brunet, "Guess we should both try being better friends." He joked, with a small chuckle- earning a small laugh from Jane.

"I guess." She jokingly replied, holding her smile as she began to eat, before her smile wavered a bit, "How are you and- you know, getting along?" She hesitantly asked, with a small head tilt.

Toby seemed to freeze, his eyebrows knitting together slightly. The male let out a huff, "Terribly." He muttered.

"You could say it's a monstrous experience?" The girl joked, attempting to make a pun about the situation- which caused Toby to crack a small smile, "Sorry, bad timining, carry on." She mumbled.

"It's like a big dog that constantly wants attention, but when you go to do something it hasn't seen you do before, it suddenly acts like it knows best and that it's the greatest babysitter in the world." He mumbled, clearly frustrated, gently stabbing at his food.

"Well, Mountain Nightmares do normally take on a nurturing role." Jane mumbled, sighing, "Give them a chance. Who knows? You two might get along." She stated, softly.

Toby scoffed, "Me and that thing getting along? It doesn't understand personal space, boundaries or anything of the sorts; and you know that those are important to me." He muttered.

Jane sighed, "Maybe they just want to get to know you- let them get to know you and they might understand." She mumbled, quietly, with a small shake of the head.

"I refuse to bond with something that is just going to leave." He replied.

Jane rose an eyebrow, "Why would they leave?" She asked, confused at the male's statement.

"I plan on letting it back into the wild. Surely that's the kindest life one could give a 'creature'." Toby stated, with a small shrug, with raised eyebrows. "I honestly find it pointless in trying to get an animal to like me, or care about me, when I'm merely going to get it to leave and lead it's own life. Being trapped to someone that wishes to be without a companion isn't benefitting anyone." Toby added, averting his gaze to his food, gently breaking it up into smaller portions by slicing bits off, using the side of his fork.

A soft sigh left the ravenette, "Just don't do anything you'll regret, Toby." She mumbled.

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