𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆

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This chapter may contain sensitive and/or triggering subjects, such as death and gore. Please read with caution if these subjects are distressing for you.
Also, I am not fully accustomed to Viking/Norse culture, but I am doing research, so if at any point I get something wrong, and/or offend anyone, I apologize.

Everything looked familiar, but misty, in a fashion, as if it was sending outwards a soft blur. It felt alien but recognizable at the same time. It felt as if he had been here before.

It was the 12th day of Jul, also known as December the 31st. Snow had settled as a thin and crisp layer, as if it had come out of a soft and calming scene from a portrait. The white blanket that had been gifted by the sky was unbroken, and made a satisfying crunching and crisp sound when one imprinted their footprint into it.

Toby and Lyra had snuck out from the Hall where the majority of feast, singing and games occurred, seeing as it was a bit much for the younger boy; he did like the feeling of closeness and celebration, but at the same time it was all rather loud and crowded.

As it was a celebration, Lyra was wearing her kransen, that had been passed down to her by their Mother. Her light blonde hair had been tied into a waterfall braid that she had proudly done, herself. She wore a fur item, that ran across her shoulders, and a white dress, with a thin, woven brown belt around her waist.

The two of them rushed off to a small ledge, made of rock. Giggles could be heard from the older blonde as her green eyes sparkled with excitement. "Look- right there, Toby!" She said, pointing enthusiastically to the Dragon she had spotted days ago, and was eager to attempt to aid it in it's recovery.

The towering Dragon seemed agitated, and in pain. It's thick-needle-like claws dug into the ground making it look like it had been stabbing the snow and clawing to the grass, as it's beady, yellow eyes glanced around. It's slit pupils seemed to glare at anything that could possibly move. It's horns twisted up into two sharp points. Some of it's teeth on it's bottom jaw proturded upwards, and stopped in level with it's eyes. They looked like needles ready to impale it's prey. It seemingly huffed, steam leaving it's snout.

"A-Are you sure we should be helping this one by ourselves?" Peeped Lyra's younger brother, who looked to the girl with a nervous expression. He loved Dragons, but he understood that Lyra and himself couldn't always help them on their own.

The blonde nodded slightly, "Yeah, of course. The only good way to learn is to do it yourself, you know?" She replied, with a small shrug. In Toby's eyes, Lyra knew exactly what she was doing- she was fifteen, after all and she was in the Dragon training programme. Toby was just a twelve year old- how would he know better? "Go get some Sagefruit, I'll teach you!" Lyra stated, with a bright smile.

Reluctantly, the brunet nodded, clambering off of the rock with a small slip; quickly landing on the snow, earning a soft crunch. He started to rush off, smiling brightly. He was excited to be able to help a Dragon; sure, he'd pet some here or there- mostly Stormfly- but helping one was something new and exciting.

He scampered off to find where some of the Berk Farmers had planted some, in the forests, in hope of calming new Dragons.

It wasn't too long before Toby found some of the Sagefruit; the item hanging from a snow-covered stem that had grown from the ground. His hands wrapped around the fruit, gently tugging on it. When it finally broke off, the boy gently shook it and wiped it to try and wipe off any snow from the plant, looking at the green, yellow and orange coloured object in awe.

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