14. Two Weeks to Build the Relationship

Start from the beginning

Noah just stared at me, the glint in his eye making it obvious that he wasn't even remotely deterred by my usual shade of sarcasm. No wonder I felt like a yipping puppy around him. He could probably defuse a bomb if he stared at it for long enough. 

"You know what Friday means, right?" he grinned, probably more amused by my random ranting than annoyed.

"The end of the longest, most difficult week of my life?" I sighed, trying to shake his arm off me.

He let out a sound that was supposed to represent the wrong answer buzzer, and let go of my shoulders as we reached the classroom, "Date night."

"You can't be serious." I groaned, turning to face him. "How many dates are we gonna have?"

Noah smirked, the kind of grin that made his eyes twinkle mischievously. Before I even knew what he was doing, he leaned closer, so much so that I could see every single fleck of color in those terrifying eyes of his.

"Lots and lots," he whispered in a husky tone, but because of his proximity, the sound rang crystal clear in my ears. A shudder passed through me and for the first time, it wasn't unpleasant. A part of me was very alarmed by that.

The bell rang, and Noah pulled away, clearing his throat, "Better get going before I'm late. See you at lunch." And then he was gone.

I turned around on shaky legs, ready to just melt into my seat when I saw that quite a few people in the class were intently staring at me with the kind of attention I wasn't used to receiving. Most looks were coated with a curious confusion, after all, this sort of relationship dynamic wasn't exactly the usual for Noah Archer and his steady stream of girlfriends.

We were getting some much-unwanted attention, and I was definitely not happy with it.

Knowing how warm my cheeks felt, I could only imagine the cherry red color that consumed my face. Swallowing hard, I focused my eyes on the ground and scurried to my seat.

"Is this normal? Going on so many dates?" I mumbled, pursing my lips together like a small child

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"Is this normal? Going on so many dates?" I mumbled, pursing my lips together like a small child.

Melissa was busy fixing her eyebrows in the bathroom mirror but paused long enough to give me the exasperated mom look through the mirror.

"I mean, yah. Normally that's sort of the appeal when you're dating someone." Melissa clicked her tongue before she focused back on her reflection.

"Normally people actually date someone they like," I said, rolling my eyes. 

Letting out a sigh, she finished fluffing up her brow and turned to face me, pointing her eyebrow pen at me like a gun.

"Normally people don't ask someone out unless they like them."

Well, she had me there. This impulsive decision to be Noah's two-week girlfriend was all kinds of backfiring.

"Besides, just because it started without feelings doesn't mean it has to end that way."

Two Weeks to Fall in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now