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It's been almost two weeks since Emma's been at Regina's place and she hasn't seen her since that day.

The teenager felt like the woman was avoiding her and maybe, unconsciously, she was doing the same.

"So Emma, are you ready for your first day of school?" her dad asked her as he ate his breakfast.

"Yeah, I'm kinda excited" the blonde replied with a smile.

She was very nervous actually, but she didn't want her dad to worry.

Emma's phone rang and she replied while putting on her shoes.

"Hey Em, five minutes and I'm there" Ruby said, her voice happy and high as always.

"Ok, I'll wait for you" she replied ans hung up.

She was nervous, but happy that she had least one friend at school.

"Bye dad, bye Kat" Emma said and closed the door.


"This is Belle" Ruby said while a petite brunette approached them.

"Oh my God, we've already met" she said while giving Emma a hug, taking the blonde a little of guard, but she returned it not to seem rude.

"Ok, what do you have first Emma?" Ruby asked and hooked her arms with the girls.

"I have art" Emma replied while looking at the time schedule on her phone. Regina passed by their house the day after their encounter, but Emma wasn't home.

"Ah, I love Miss Mills" Belle said and Emma immediately became as pale as a sheet.

"Don't worry, it's not that Mills, it's her sister" Ruby said noticing the girl's expression.

Emma felt relieved, but also a bit disappointed.

She knew that Regina couldn't be a professor, since she was the Mayor, but she kinda hoped to see her.


"Hi darling, you must be Emma" the redhead said cheerfully as she smiled at the girl.

"Yes miss, that's me" she said while shaking her hand.

"Ok guys, attention on me" Zelena said while clapping her hands to get the attention of the class.

"She's Emma" she said while gesturing to the girl with her hand "and she's your new classmates, would you like to tell us something about yourself?" she asked, but Emma knew that she had no choice.

"Hi, I'm Emma, I'm from New York and I moved here about 3 weeks ago" she said, not knowing what else to say.

"Do you have any hobby?" the professor asked while sitting on the desk.

"Well, I like reading and skateboarding a lot" she replied shyly and then sat at the only free desk in the room.

Belle ans Ruby were sat behind her and as soon as she sat the two girls started talking to her.

"So? Do you like her?" Ruby asked and Belle giggled.

"Ruby relax, she literally just arrived" Ruby rolled her eyes playfully while laughing.

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