The Devil In Disguise

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It was a Saturday morning and Emma, David and Kathryn were sat together on a booth at Granny's having breakfast.

In the middle of it the bell above the door rang and announced a new costumer. Or at least that's what Emma thought.

"Ruby! You're late again!" Granny almost yelled at the brunette's face.

She was tall, had beautiful dark hair and a pair of toned legs.

She was wearing some tight leather shorts, a white tank top and a pair of red boots.

"Sorry Grandma, I over slept" Ruby replied nonchalantly.

"David, Kat!" Ruby said while walking towards their table.

"Ruby, it's lovely to see you" Kathryn replied giving her a smile.

"You must be Emma! I'm Ruby, you can call me Rub" she said with a wide smile while sticking out her hand for Emma to shake.

"Yeah I'm Emma, nice to meet you Rub" the blonde replied shyly.

She decided she liked Ruby. She seemed a cool person.

"Why don't the two of you hang out today? You could show Emma the town" Granny said while serving Emma an hot cocoa.

"Yeah sure! Give me your phone, I'll add my number. I'm free after 3pm, text me whenever you want".

Emma gave her the phone and the brunette added her number, then disappeared into the kitchen.

"She seems nice" Emma said to her dad, who was looking at her and chewing on a Beagle.

"She's really is" David said and then Kathryn added "Under her bad girl facade there's a big heart".

Emma nodded and continued to eat her breakfast.


Emma: hey Rub, it's Emma, from Granny

Ruby: heyy girl, what's up?

Emma: nothing much, do you wanna hang out? I thought we could go to the Harbour maybe

Ruby: you know you can always count on me if you wanna go out 😎 see ya in front of your house at 5?

Emma: sure, see you soon

Rub: ;)


"So, do you like Storybrooke so far?" Ruby asked while the two were walking to the Harbour.

"It's nice, weird, but nice" Emma replied opening a pack of cigarettes. "Want one?" the blonde asked and the brunette nodded.

"Thanks girl" Ruby said and lighted up her cigarette. "What do you mean?".

"Well, it seems like time stopped here. All the houses are old and, not gonna lie, you're the first teenager I saw since I've arrived" Emma replied and let out a puff of smoke.

The brunette chuckled at the answer "Oh yeah, but don't worry, you'll like it here"

They sat on a bench while they kept talking.

"We'll might have some classes together, you know?" Ruby told Emma excitedly and the blonde smiled.

"That'd be wonderful, at least I'd have a friend in class" she replied while looking at the sea.

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