Chapter 8 (last chapter)

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‼️WARNING!! THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS: Gore, cannibalism, child death, Daiki, Mother Miranda, Fire, lots of 🔥. ‼️❌

I am not responsible for your issues after you read this, as I  warned you. Bye bye.

Daiki pov

Daiki 💭:Now that, that annoying bug is out of the way my duties for the day is finished. That is until mother needs me to 'put someone else to rest'.






. I had finally finished sister Donna and Angie's house as thanks for letting me use there home for my game, though they repeatedly said it wasn't needed.
I started walking home with a wheelbarrow containing Mr. Winters deceased body that was mangled beyond belief. I stopped wheeling the wheelbarrow when I saw this massive beam of light, I meant somewhere near the village. To get there faster, I took my water tubes turning into my siren form half way. As I entered the site, I saw a mother, Miranda, in the middle, holding something with the other 4 Lords around her. They looked so drained, barely alive, but they were all keeping a strong fake facade since they could sense you there 'younger brother' were there.
Without a second thought, you donated around 60 percent of your energy to them without a thought. The turn towards mother Miranda, your facial expressions still blank.

M/n:Mother what are you holding in your arms.

Karl: dammit man, the first question you ask the crazy bitch tried to kill us in order to get that stupid baby in her hands.

Lady D: I can't believe Karl was right, you betrayed us, Mother Miranda.....

I stayed completely silent as I took in their words, I looked around the scene and saw Angie smashed to absolute bits and pieces ass don't know was her ring over her, I could hear the small the sniffles of cries in the smell of salt from her.

Mother Miranda you don't look very face, Daiki, you would be in the same state, but you live because you have no real part of it. Would you like to see my baby?

I did nothing but shake my head yes and hold my arms out, he gently placed the new into my arms as if she was afraid to let it go.

The baby had light brown hair with pale little skin in the past, oh pink little sweater, with little gray leggings. The baby looked at you would big guys as his started to babble. I never really understood the concept of babies, but I guess that's because I was born and raised different and in the water.
The baby's small hand held tightly onto my clawed fingers, I made note to make sure she doesn't cut herself on my claws or sharp scales or else Mother Miranda will cut them off.
Mother Miranda watched you interested, as you looked so puzzled at the baby and why was it even touching you like this. Deciding that you had enough of the small thing, you handed it back over to Miranda. You got ready to leave when-

Karl: That's it?! Like seriously you didn't even question it! That baby is the reason we are all like this Daiki, don't you understand that?

Daiki: Indeed I do. But Mother got what she wanted, and she has no use for us anymore so why make a fuss? We're free we have no use. Leave if you so wish to so badly.

Mother Miranda: I don't know why he would use such valuable power on you lot. But he's right about one thing, I have no use for you, you can leave if you want, I could care less. BUT as for you, Nike, I still have use for you, Daiki.

Daiki: Pardon me Mother? What do you mean by that I'm like the others aren't I not shouldn't you be disposing of me?

Mother Miranda: not quite, you see, since you were the last one of my 'children', you obviously did not suffer the same fate as the other 4, nor did I cause your appearance, you are simply a monster naturally
born one. You will continue your job as the executioner it's just the other 4 I leaving the villager account should go back up, wants to starts to repopulate again. Now that the useless other 4 gone, this can be a safe environment for my 'daughter'.

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