Chapter 18

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August POV

I got up early to make Stephanie & I some breakfast I made eggs with cheese Bacon chocolate chip pancake sausages  toast bread grits with cheese on the top I set the plates on the dining room table and walk up stairs to my room I walk to Stephanie side of the bed which is the left side

" Wake up sleep head "  I said shaking Stephanie

" ummm..." said Stephanie

" Wake up gurl " I said

" I'm up " she whispered  terrified to look at me

" What are you scared of " I ask Stephanie

" O.o I made you breakfast " I said

"  Thanks " Stephanie whispered

" Your welcome baby " I said

" come down stairs when your ready " I said

Stephanie POV

I swear this nigga  is bipolar one min he want to hurt me the next min he want to be all sweet and shit like .....

"  O.o shit " I said running into August bathroom I thew up inside of the toilet

" are you ok August " said while holding my hair I did not notice August behind me

" ya " I said to August

" OK " August said

I bush my teeth and walk out of the bathroom with August right behind me

" OK so your food is in the microwave now " August said

" OK " I said walking downstairs

I opened the microwave door and pulled out my plate I place my plate on the dining room table I sat down and began to eat my food after I was down I put my plate in the sink I opened the frigerator door and pulled  out apple juice I walk to the counter and grab a cup I poured the apple juice into the cup and drink it I put it in the sink and walk back upstairs I open August door

" ummm.... August can you get me some clothes I can wear " I ask August

" ya and I almost forgot we are going shopping OK " August said

" OK " I said

" Don't try anything when we go out for shopping OK " August said

" OK " I said


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Kidnapped by August AlsinaWhere stories live. Discover now