I hadn't thought of it before but it made sense, one did not get many occasions to ride a horse when growing up in modern day London. That's something I can teach him, for all the things he taught me... I mused, following him down a corridor illuminated only by the weak, flickering light of the candle he was carrying.

Luckily no visitors were expected today and so there was not much commotion in the courtyard as we walked across. Like the previous evening, the hood of my simple grey coat prevented me from being recognized-- my arm laced through Lucas' must have made me look like one of his maid-friends.

After crossing the drawbridge we quickly decided to avoid the road leading to the village, and walked among the trees. The wolf pack led by Shadow joined us in no time and we started to descend the hill far enough from the road not to be seen by anyone who might be on the way to the castle, but near enough to be able to get occasional glimpses of it through the trees, so we would not get lost.

"Are you ready?" Lucas asked after he scanned the surrounding trees, making sure there was no one in the forest apart from us and the wolves. "Like this we are too slow."

"Are you sure I can run as fast as any of you now?" I asked, not quite certain about it. I just... did not feel like a vampire.

"Yes. No worries, it's not difficult. Just... run and try to avoid the trees. Your enhanced vampire senses will help, and you'll see yourself how fast you can go. Meet you by the waterfall above the mill!" he called, then was gone, leaving me surrounded by a confused wolf pack.

"Ok, let's try this... " I murmured, gathering my long coat and dress over my left arm, giving my uncomfortable leather lace boots a doubtful glance. How far will you get before you dislodge your ankle? My subconscious mocked.

Trying not to think about it I took off running down the hill followed closely by the wolves. It did not feel as if I ran faster than usual; if it wasn't for the trees whizzing by in a blur I would not realize the difference. In mere minutes I reached Lucas by the waterfall, giggling as I literally landed in his open arms, in the place where he was waiting for me on the tall precipice.

"How was it?" He asked, smiling as he enclosed me in an embrace before he let go of me.

"Cool." I grinned, pulling the hood of my coat back on. It was starting to snow again. "We must avoid the mill, Clara is here." I said, watching the building sitting at the bottom of the rock wall we were standing on.

The clatter and splash of the huge wheel fixed to one of its walls, turning continuously as the water kept falling on it, nearly obliterated the sound of my voice. This was such a beautiful place. I recalled the first time I saw it, accompanied by Junior, when I came to beg Clara's father to let her stay in the castle as my companion, closer to her Ioan... I shook my head, eyes filling with tears. Poor Ioan.

"Come," I told Lucas, taking him by the hand even as I started to run again, then stopping abruptly just under the mill. "Look," I said, pointing towards the village huddled under the hill. Its many stone houses with their snow capped roofs leaning against each other made it look like...

"It looks like a perfect gingerbread village," Lucas laughed. "Don't waste too much time with your priest, Samara; let us arrive home at least for dinner, I'm getting hungry..."

Home, I thought, smiling at him. He definitely settled well in this world. And I could not blame him, if only it was possible I'd go back for Aurora now and then stay here forever.

We emerged from the forest not far from the square, meaning to ask someone where to find the church. However, seeing the suspicious looks our sudden appearance attracted among the few people we met, we walked back under the trees, deciding to take a detour along the borders of the village and find it ourselves. It didn't take long; the small, ancient church was situated a short distance from the village, in a somewhat secluded spot at the edge of the forest.

We looked around carefully and when we were sure that no one could see us, I made the wolves wait, hidden among the trees, and the two of us walked up the wide staircase leading to the open door.

I entered first, followed closely by Lucas. The stone building was cold and gloomy, its perfect, otherworldly silence made me feel as if I stepped underwater.

A few candles were lit close to the altar, casting faint, moving shadows among the pews, adding the scent of smoke and melting wax to the one of burning incense, and the less pleasant smell of mildew.

The church was empty; only one person was sitting on one of the long, wooden benches, so absorbed in thoughts, or prayers, that he did not notice our presence until I spoke.

"Are you... the priest?" I asked as we approached him.

The question had been quite unnecessary, I realized as I removed my hood. The man, startled by our sudden, quiet appearance, jumped to his feet, his long, black robes sweeping the stone floor.

"You... " he stammered, his eyes flicking between me and Lucas a few times, then pausing on him, "...are them. You are from the castle. None of you have ever entered this church since I've been here..."

He can't be here too long... I mused, observing him. The man glanced back at me, finding, most likely, talking to the more human-like person easier. He himself looked very young, he could not be older than me.

"I am Samara, Prince Vlad's wife." I said tentatively, not at all sure if this would help or not.

I offered him my hand and he kissed it, then bowed deeply.

Lucas, sensing the priest's unease in the presence of two vampires, offered, "I'll wait for you outside, Samara." He bowed to the priest then vanished outside so fast that a couple of the nearby candles were blown out by the gust of wind his quick departure caused.

The priest shook his head, smiling, looking more amused than scared now.

"None of you ever come here..." he said again, motioning me to sit down on the bench, then sitting next to me.

Smiling back at him I said, "It's not because we would crumble to dust on entering your church, as you can see. I think it's because... you don't make those like us feel welcome here."

"But... would you care to feel more welcome? With all those things people say about your kind..."

I took a deep breath. Recalling one of my conversations with Stoker, I said, "Ancient beliefs. Myths. Gossip. Most of it is not true. I'm sure that you know Lord Vlad well enough to know that we, those from the castle, would never harm any of you..."


I raised my hand to stop him, "Let me finish, please. I'm here to speak for those whom those myths and beliefs harm the most. All those human girls... falling in love with vampires and being made feel like outlaws for it. Or the other way round... I came here... to beg you to permit and conduct the marriages between humans and vampires."

Looking at him pleadingly, I gave him time to process my words. The young priest looked away from me, his eyes strolling to the altar. It took a long time before he turned back to me.

"I... don't think I can, Princess Samara."

"We are not... evil, not all of us are the same..."

"I do know that, my lady, but some people here refuse to believe it. And then, your own kin forbids those unions."

"Not all of us, it's just the Council," I said, feeling hopeful. This young man was much more reasonable than what I had expected.

He nodded thoughtfully. "Even though there are many families who embraced one of you in their midst, and would be elated by this idea, there are still more of those who would never understand, never permit me to do it. Not here." He said, his eyes boring into mine, making me understand...

"If I find a suitable place..."

"Yes." He murmured, closing his eyes briefly. "My own sister was banished from home, because she chose to live with one of your husband's Guards..."

I watched him, speechless, stunned by my unexpected success.

"I have only one condition," he added after a while. "Please, find a church, or a chapel, that is not within the castle. Most people would not feel comfortable going inside."

"Of course," I agreed happily, having decided even before he said that to find a place on neutral ground. "It might take a while, but I'll send you a word the moment everything is ready."

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