🥀 down the rabbit hole🥀

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I gasped and got up fast breathing heavily covered in sweat I can hear my heart pumping fast and loud I took a moment to calm myself down.

Coconut:"( sleepy monkey noises)" I looked down next to me and there's coco looking up at me sleepy but also worried.

You:" I'm ok buddy, just a bad dream sorry for waking you up" I whispered patting his head he nuzzled to my hand and went back to sleep cuddling closer to grim I sighed then heard liquid dripping I looked at where it came from and saw the canvas next to the mirror covered with a blanket and there's red paint dripping from under it and got out of bed and walked around to it slowly removed the blanket and there was written in red paint.

"Alice in wonderland"

I let out a shaky breath and covered it.

You:' that's it. I need to know the story of that girl maybe I'll find something in the Library' I thought, got ready put on the school Uniform and my mask sprayed some of the perfume the ghosts got me Write a note for grim, coco and Ace so they won't get worried and carefully left the room down the stairs and out of the dorm, it's still dark it's only 2:30AM right now.

using my skills Quickly headed to the school jumping from one place to another making sure no one is around that can see me I stopped at the Maine street where the Statues are I had to make sure of something first.

You:" I know it, I knew that woman looked familiar" I Whispered standing in front of the statue of the Queen of hearts the feelings getting worse I looked around for anyone and quickly headed to the school Obviously I couldn't use the door so I looked for any opened Windows and luckily I found one and sneaked in quietly went to the Library and stood in front of a giant book in the middle.

You:" if I remember correctly the last time I was here the librarian said I should whisper what I want to read to this book and it will bring it to me" I leaned in closer to the book.

You:" the history of the Queen of hearts" I whispered to it, the gem on the book shined and it opened Pages flipping fast I heard Something being dragged and looked at the shelves and there's a big book dragging itself out from between the books it finally got out in before it hit the floor it flow and headed to my arms I grabbed it and Examined at it.

Is red with golden design and a black and red heart with a Crown on top of it and roses and cards around it I was about to go sit but a thought came to mind I turned back to the book and whisper to it.

You:" the story of Alice in wonderland" and a big book dragged it self out and flow to me it had the same design as the red book but is blue and instead of The heart with the crown is a black bow and instead of red roses is white I took the two and sat at the furthest table in the back and started reading the first the history of the Queen of hearts.
One hour later~

I finally finished the book and it's exactly what Trey told us in the cafeteria so it was no use but what's new and that Trey didn't tell us is the fact that  Queen had a sister who is the opposite of her very kind and gentle and didn't choose the death penalty for everything.

the parents favoured her Instead of the Queen and chosen her to be the next ruler of their Kingdom even tho the Queen was the oldest and that angered her so she made her own kingdom and ruled half of the land of wonderland with her Insane rules.

A war happened between her and her sister's kingdoms to take back the other half, the Queen wanted it to finally take over what she thinks is rightfully hers while the sister wanted it to free everyone from her older sister Madness unfortunately the red Queen won and instead of beheading her sister she threw her away, locked her up deep down under the kingdom and made her Watch as the Queen destroyed her kingdom and took over all of wonderland, to this day the sister still blames herself for it, for losing the war, for losing her kingdom and for losing her people's freedom that will never be returned to them again and have to live in fear of binge beheaded for the rest of their lives.

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