Anderson: Y/N why are you on the floor?

Y/N: Its cold.

Anderson: Get up. We should tell you both whats really going on.

Nihlus: This mission is far more than a simple shakedown run.

Y/N: I knew it... So did almost everyone else. What are we doing then?

Anderson: We're making a covert pick-up on Eden prime. That's why we needed the stealth systems operational.

Shepard: There's got to be a reason for not telling us about it, sir.

Anderson: This comes down from the top, commander's. Information strictly on a need-to-know basis. A reseacher team on Eden prime unearthed some kind of beacon during an excavation. It was prothean.

Y/N: What else can you tell us.

Anderson: This is big, the last time humanity discovered like this our technology jump forward 200 years. But Eden prime doesn't have the facilities to handle something like this. We need to bring the beacon back to the citadel for proper study.

Nihlus: Obviously, this goes beyond human interests, commander's. This discovery couod affect every species in council space.

Shepard: Are we expecting trouble?

Nihlus: I'm always expecting trouble.

Anderson: There's more, Shepherd, L/N. Nihlus isnt just here for the beacon. He's here to evaluate you two.

Y/N: I already know I'm the sexiest man in the galaxy, and Shepherd the sexiest wom-

I was then elbowed in the guts by Shepherd with a bit of a blush on her face.

Shepard: What's this about, captain?

Anderson: The alliance has been pushing for this for a long time. Humanity wants a larger role in shaping interstellar policy. We want more say with the citadel council. The spectress represent the council's power and authority. If they accept a human into their ranks, it shows how far the alliance has come.

Nihlus: With commander L/N not many could have survived what you went through Akuze. You show a remarkable will to live, a particularly useful talent. And Shepherd held off an enemy assault during the blitz single-handed. She showed not only courage but also incredible skill. That's why I put both your names forward as a candidate for the specteres.

Y/N: I assume that this is good for the alliance?

Anderson: Earth needs this, commander's. We're counting on both of you.

Nihlus: I need to see both of your skills for myself, commander's. Eden prime will be the first of several missions together.

Anderson: Shepard will be in charge of the ground team. Secure the beacon and get it onto the ship ASAP. Nihlus will accompany you to observe the mission.

Y/N: Well I'm ready to go what about you Shepard?

Shepherd: give us the word, captain.

Anderson: We should be getting close to Eden--

Joker: Captain! We got a problem.

Anderson: What's wrong Joker?

Joker: Transmission from Eden prime, sir. You better see this.

Anderson: Bring it up on screen.

A video showed up on screen of a battle going on at eden prime.

???: Get down!

The person that was recording was pushed to the ground by a woman as she continued shooting at something

Officer: We are under attack! Taking heavy casualties! I repeat: heavy casuties! We can't... eed evac! They came out of nowhere. We need--

From Commander To TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now