Chapter 22 Narrow Escape

Start from the beginning

"Here we go!" Brook shouted. He sped up and drove the motorcycle around the floor to gain momentum. Finally, he went as far from the wall as possible and headed straight for it. Michelle counted the seconds before they hit the wall. Three... two... one...

CRASH! The motorcycle smashed through the glass breaking it into a million pieces, glass flying everywhere. Michelle screamed but her voice was drowned out by the bike's engine and the glass tinkling everywhere. The next moment she had a déjà vu of the night Brook jumped them over the cliff in his Bugatti. They were flying over the front lot in midair and within milliseconds landed on the ground with a screeching bounce. The bike didn't stop; Brook continued to balance the speed and momentum and rammed through the barrier splintering it to bits. Michelle took a quick glance backward and saw the building erupt in an ear-splitting explosion, the Koenigsegg racing out the front door following them.

"Take the left road! They're right behind us!" Payton's voice came through the earpiece. Brook immediately turned left, the bike tilting a little.

"Guys! The alarm went off! The cops will be there any minute!" Jett's voice came through the earpiece.

"Let them! We're leading the Ghosts away from the showroom." Payton said.

"Which is toast by the way. I knew we'd need backup." Paige said. She sped up so that the car rode parallel to Brook's bike. Michelle looked through the window and saw Payton nod and point forward. Michelle looked behind to see how far the Inferno Ghosts were. She got a jolt when she saw no less than eight cars chase them a little over fifty meters away.

"We slowed them down but not much!" Payton said through the earpiece.

"Brook we have to lose them!" Michelle said in a panic.

"Don't worry we will. Paige, you and Payton go through the city tunnels. You'll lose them there. Take the back alleys to avoid attention." Brook said through his earpiece.

"What about you? We're not leaving you behind idiot!" Paige yelled.

"You won't! We'll catch up by a different road. They want the car, not us. We'll divert them and lead them up to the city. Go!" Brook shouted. Paige gave a yell of frustration before speeding up. Michelle knew they hit two hundred mph as they shot off down the road out of sight.

"Brook, can we really do this?" Michelle asked, her voice a little shaky with fear.

"Trust me, Michelle. I won't let them get us." He sped up the bike and Michelle closed her eyes for a second. The speed of a bike was a lot more frightening than that of a car. The wind whipped past them in a cold rush threatening to throw them off course any minute. But Brook had full control and knew what he was doing as he maneuvered the bike even at that speed. The only thing Michelle was glad of at that moment was her jacket – it was freezing at hundred and fifty on a bike.

"These guys don't give up. Hang on, I'm entering the city. There'll be a lot of twists and turns." Brook said, checking his mirrors. He drove past the outskirts of the city and soon they hit the highway. The Ghosts still followed at high speed.

"Do you think they know the car's not in front of them anymore?" Michelle asked.

"They can't find that out yet. We have to make them believe they're still chasing it." Brook replied. He took a dangerously close turn left and slowed down to a hundred mph as the roads became more trafficked.

"They're gaining on us!" Michelle said in panic when she turned around.

"No, they won't. I have a plan."

"Does your plan involve us not getting caught or becoming roadkill?" Michelle asked. Brook smiled though she didn't see it.

"Brook? Where are we –" she gasped as he suddenly left the main road and drove through a sandy lot. Dust flew behind them in a storm. Michelle looked up and saw he was heading for a construction zone.

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